September Intensive German Course

2–25 September 2024 (on campus!)

Course program

The next German intensive language course will be held on campus from 2–25 September 2024. The course is the ideal opportunity to make great linguistic progress within around three weeks and at the same time get to know Hohenheim, Stuttgart, and the region better. We look forward to seeing you on campus!

And here is an overview of the most important information: The daily morning classes (Mon–Fri from 9:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.) consist of 60 hours of varied instruction aimed at systematically improving the four skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking, as well as expanding knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

The language of instruction in the courses is German. The minimum number of participants per course group is 8, the maximum number of participants is 20.

The courses are aimed at beginners through to intermediate level, corresponding to levels A1 to B2. You can determine which course is the right level for you before the start of the course on the basis of a placement test that you can take online. If you have never learned German before, you do not need a placement test and can register directly for the A1.1 course.
Depending on how many points you score, you will register for one of the following courses:

ScoreCourse title
0 - 9 pointsA1.1
10 - 19 pointsA1.2
20 - 39 pointsA2.1
40 - 59 pointsB1.1
60 or more pointsB2.1

At the end of the course you can take a final exam for the respective level (exam days are 23/24 September). If you successfully participate, the results of this examination will be included in a certificate and you will receive 4 ECTS credits.

In addition to the language course, you will deal with important aspects of intercultural communication in theory and practice in the seminar "Intercultural Competence" (6 lessons in total; this seminar is held in English). If you attend this seminar and our International Evening, you will receive an additional ECTS credit (i.e., a total of 5 credits for the course).

You can also look forward to a varied and exciting social program: Welcome and farewell party, international dinner, one excursion per week within Stuttgart, a Saturday trip to Heidelberg or Tübingen, a campus tour, and an interactive scavenger hunt. In brief: The ideal start to your exchange semester or your Master’s degree!

Organizational notes

  • for new exchange students and Master’s students starting their studies in Hohenheim in the winter semester 24/25: Registration from 1 May to 15 July online here on this page (for A1.1 you can register directly, for all other levels you have to take a placement test)
  • for regular students who are already in Hohenheim: Registration from 15 June to 15 July online here on this page (please note that you may have to take a placement test)
  • for external participants: Please send an email to We will contact you starting on 16 July.
Please note: If you do not yet have a Hohenheim matriculation number, you can still register online for the intensive course. Please enter your date of birth (format: DDMMYY) in the “Matriculation number” field.

Online registration
Registration deadline:15 July 2024
Fees:Please note that one can only register for the “total package” (lessons in the morning + seminar + social program). Registration for morning classes only is not possible.

Reduced course fee for Hohenheim students (exchange, double degree, Bachelor, Master; but not for Ph.D. students): € 230
Regular course fees: € 750

The course books and all program items of the social program (including the Saturday excursion!) are included in the course fee.
Conditions of participation:Minimum age of 18 at the start of the course