User instructions "My Internship"

Step 1: Login and check your personal details.

  • Login in to “My Internship” using your password and check your perosnal details under “edit personal details.”

Step 2: Before the work placement:
Enter new internship and inform the Internship Office.

  • Under “New internship” enter the employer, the time period and 2 key words regarding the nature of work/your tasks.
  • If the employer is already in our database, you can select it from the list.
  • If the employer, however, is not in our database, pleae click “New provider“ and fill in the required information in the spaces on the form.
  • Finish the process by clicking “Create internship” and inform the Internship Office about your planned internship.
  • You will receive a confirmation that your internship has been accepted by email within a few days.

Step 3: After the work placement: Upload internship report

  • You can upload your report upon completion of your internship.
  • Please user the template provided by the Internship Office for the cover page. Click “Download report template”
  • Next, upload your internship report. Click “upload report.”
  • If you like, you can rate your internship experience/employer.
  • As soon as you click “send internship report,” your report will be sent to the Internship Office.

Step 4: After the work placement: Sending your acknowledement to the Internship Office

  • The last step involves providing the Internship Office with an official acknowledgement from your employer. This can either be done by post or in person during the regular opening times.
  • You can get a template by clicking “Download acknowledgement template.”
  • Alternatively, you can also give the Internship Office your acknowledgement or another type of confirmation. It is important to include proof that your acknowledgement was approved by your employer.

Step 5: The Examinations Office will be notified about your completed internship and they will enter it into your online transcript.

  • Once your report has been recognized and you have submitted your acknowledgement to the Internship Office, the Examninations Office will be informed of your internship and they will enter it into your online transcript. That’s alll you need to do.