DFG-Forschergruppe "Regional Climate Change": Microbial regulation of organic matter decomposition at the regional scale
- Status
- current
- Project begin
- 01.04.2012
- Project end
- 31.12.2018
- Sponsor mark
- DFG: KA 1590/10-1,2, PO 1578/3-2 & FOR 1695
- Project-Homepage
- https://klimawandel.uni-hohenheim.de
- Keywords
- bacteria, Bodenmikrobiologie, Kohlenstoff, organic matter
Our project provides the analytical basis for improving the parameterisation of biogeochemical models (e.g., DAISY-EXPERTN) by introducing dynamic feedbacks between belowground communities and climate. Whereas we have measured seasonal and regional variation of temperature sensitivity functions of soil microbial processes involved in carbon cycling during the first phase of the project, we will now focus on group specific turnover times (bacteria and fungi) and flow of carbon into specific groups of soil microorganisms and their seasonal substrate use efficiency.
A microcosm experiment will be established in cropped plots at both regions (Swabian Alb and Kraichgau) to study the turnover times of bacterial and fungal biomass using the 13C-PLFA and 13C-ergosterol profiling approach. We hypothesise that fungi store newly assimilated carbon (13C signal) for a longer period than bacteria due to their slower turnover times. Manipulating the input of resources in a field experiment will allow us to investigate separately the C flow through bacteria and fungi. We will choose the following labelled compounds: (1) 13C glucose (to account for mainly bacterial C incorporation) and (2) 13C phenol/lignin precursors (to account for mainly fungal C incorporation). We will establish the microcosms four times a year (early spring, summer, autumn and late autumn). Microbial efficiency will be assessed by measuring 13C-substrate incorporation into different components of the microbial biomass (Cmic, bacterial and fungal PLFAs, ergosterol) and loss as 13CO2 in the field for up to 48 hours after installation of the microcosms. Our results will be used by project partners to examine the sensitivity of multi-compartment carbon models (e.g. CN DAISY) to altered microbial growth efficiency. In addition, we will test which of the following: substrate quality, site specific microbial decomposer communities, or abiotic soil properties, is the dominant driver of spatial variation in litter decomposition at the regional scale.
Subproject P9 of the DFG Research Unit 1695 "Agricultural Landscapes under Global Climate Change – Processes and Feedbacks on a Regional Scale"
Involved persons
Involved institutions
- DFG Research Group 1695: Regional Climate Change
- Soil Biology
- Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation
Publications in the course of the project
Controls on microbially regulated soil organic carbon decomposition at the regional scale
2018: Ali, R. S., Kandeler, E., Marhan, S., Demyan, M. S., Ingwersen, J., Mirzaeitalarposhti, R., Rasche, F., Cadisch, G., Poll, C.
Dynamics of soil respiration and microbial communities: Interactive controls of temperature and substrate quality
2018: Ali, R. S., Poll, C., Kandeler, E.
Partitioning of ecosystem respiration in winter wheat and silage maize—modeling seasonal temperature effects
2016: Demyan, M.S., Ingwersen, J., Nkwain Funkuin, Y., Ali, R.S., Mirzaeitalarposhti, R., Rasche, F., Poll, C., Müller, T., Streck, T., Kandeler, E., Cadisch, G.
Modelling in situ activities of enzymes as a tool to explain seasonal variation of soil respiration from agro-ecosystems
2015: Ali, R. S., Ingwersen, J., Demyan, M. S., Funkuin, Y. N., Wizemann, H.-D., Kandeler, E., Poll, C.
midDRIFTS-based partial least square regression analysis allows predicting microbial biomass, enzyme activities and 16S rRNA gene abundance in soils of temperate grasslands
2013: Rasche, F., Marhan, S., Berner, D., Keil, D., Kandeler, E., Cadisch, G.
Chemical and microbiological soil quality indicators and their potential to differentiate fertilization regimes in temperate agroecosystems
2013: Giacometti, C., Demyan, M.S., Cavani, L., Marzadori, C., Ciavatta, C., Kandeler, E.