Integrated DFG Project "Regional Climate Change": Soil-plant-atmosphere interactions at the regional scale

Project begin
Project end
Sponsor mark
DFG: STR 481/6-1 in PAK 346

Coupled atmosphere-land surface models are important tools for predicting the impact of global climate change on a regional scale. The uncertainty of regional simulations is large, however. This is, at least partly, due to deficiencies in the description of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions. In this project, we will integrate crop models with a land surface model, test the capability of the resulting model system and answer the question in which detail transport and growth processes have to be modelled to produce reliable projections of regional climatic conditions and their impact on agriculture, landscape water regime and landscape structure.

This project is part of the Integrated DFG Project "Structure and Functions of Agricultural Landscapes under Global Climate Change - Processes and Projections on a Regional Scale".

Involved persons

Involved institutions


Publications in the course of the project