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Low-cost Biomass Conversion Technologies
Project begin
Project end
Involved persons
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Publications in the course of the project
Simultaneous biochar production and heat utilization from different biomass fuels using a TLUD reactor
2015: Munder, S; Romuli, S; Intani, K; Wüst, D; Müller, J
Byproducts for Bioenergy - advanced firewood substitutionby simultaneous cooking and charring application
2015: Munder,S; Romuli, S; Intani, K; Wüst, D; Müller, J
Herstellung von Biochar in einem Top-lit updraft (TLUD) Reaktor
2015: Munder, S; Romuli, S; Wüst, D; Müller, J
Der Einfluss von Biochar bei der Kompostierung
2015: Wüst, D; Munder, S; Kruse, A