A distributed hydrological model of irrigation and agricultural land use at the Basin scale application to the VIITH region Chile

Publication Type
Conference proceedings
Arnold, T., Uribe, C. H., Berger, T.
Year of publication
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Page (from - to)
Conference name
Conference on 21st Century Watershed Technology: Improving Water Quality and Environment 2008

Water resources are being strained by increasing demand from all sectors, but especially for irrigation agriculture. To improve the productivity of water,riverbasin managers take into account both the basin-level hydrology and basin-level benefits from water usage, but also the micro-level distribution of benefits. While gross estimates at basin level can serve policy makers as a benchmark, policies need to build on micro-scale understanding of which processes and interactions are relevant at which scale. With such aim, this paper presents steps towards an integrated modeling system, which integrates and couples the distributed hydrological model WaSiM-ETH and the agent-based bio-economical model MPMAS. Specifically, we present and technically verify an extension of the irrigation module within WaSiM-ETH and discuss the larger calibration process.

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