Cyclic Heptapeptides from the latex of Jatropha integerrima

Publication Type
Contribution to conference
Conrad, J.; Mongkolvisut, W.; Sutthivaiyakit, S.; Leutbecher, H.; Mika, S.; Klaiber, I.; Möller, W.; Rösner, H.; Beifuss, U.
Year of publication
Published in
Planta Medica
Georg Thieme Verlag , Stuttgart
Page (from - to)
Conference name
55th Annual Congress of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research
Conference location
Conference date

Jatropha species (Euphorbiaceae) are known to be a rich source of bioactive diterpenes and cyclic peptides.
In the course of our phytochemical investigations of J. integerrima we isolated two new cylic heptapeptides, namely integerrimide A (1) and B (2), from the latex of J. integerrima. The structures of 1 and 2 (both existing as equilibrium mixtures of different conformers) were elucidated by extensive 1D, sel-1D, and 2D NMR studies, MS, as well as chemical degradation.
In a screening on basic cytoskeletondependent cellular processes (neurite outgrowth, cell proliferation, cell migration) both compounds (50μM each) showed a significant inhibition of neurite outgrowth of E7 chicken spinal cord neurons as well as an antiproliferation (up to 40% lower cell densities after 2 days) but no cytotoxic activity on human melanoma cells (IPC-298). Standard cell migration assay (SMA) with confluent human pancreatic carcinoma cells (Capan II) revealed an inhibition of cell migration by about 30 and 20% of 1 and 2 (50μM each), respectively.

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