Feasibility of strip-tillage for field grown vegetables
- Publication Type
- Journal contribution (peer reviewed)
- Authors
- Übelhör Annegret; Witte Irene; Billen Norbert; Gruber Sabine; Hermann Wilfried; Morhard Jörg; Claupein Wilhelm
- Year of publication
- 2014
- Published in
- Journal für Kulturpflanzen
- 10.5073/JFK.2014.11.01
- Page (from - to)
- 365-377
Involved persons
- Dr. sc. agr. Annegret Pflugfelder
- apl. Prof. Dr. Sabine Gruber
- Dr. Wilfried Hermann
- Dr. sc. agr. Jörg Morhard
- Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein