Methane yield performance and biogas substrate quality of wild plant mixtures and Amaranthus hypochondriacus (L.) - Just a hype or true flower power?
- Publication Type
- Poster
- Authors
- von Cossel, M., Steberl, K., Möhring, J., Kiesel, A., Lewandowski, I.
- Year of publication
- 2017
- Conference name
- Progress in Biogas IV
- Conference location
- Stuttgart-Hohenheim
- Conference date
- 08.-11.03.2017
- Keywords
- Amaranth, Biogas, chemical composition, Mais, Methan
Involved persons
- M.Sc. Moritz von Cossel
- M.Sc. Kathrin Steberl
- Dr. Jens Hartung
- Dr. Andreas Kiesel
- Prof. Dr. agr. Iris Lewandowski
Involved institutions
- Biobased Resources in the Bioeconomy
- Institute of Crop Science
- Biostatistics
- Arbeitsgruppe Anbausysteme und Modellierung