Mineral and trace element contents in pasture grass from areas with or without nature conservation by law charcterized by different grazing systems
- Publication Type
- Contribution to conference
- Authors
- Leberl P. und H. Hrenn
- Year of publication
- 2017
- Published in
- Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology
- Editor
- Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie
- Pubisher
- DLG-Verlag , Frankfurt am Main
- Band/Volume
- 26/
- 978-3-7690-4109-5
- Page (from - to)
- 52
- Conference name
- 71. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie
- Conference location
- Göttingen
- Conference date
- 14.-16.3.2017
- Keywords
- Grünlandbewirtschaftung, Mineralstoffe, Spurenelemente