Multi-agent models for teaching, extension and collaborative learning

Publication Type
Conference proceedings
Berger T., Schreinemachers P.
Year of publication
Published in
Proc. iEMSs 4th Biennial Meeting - Int. Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, iEMSs 2008
Page (from - to)
Conference name
4th Biennial Meeting of International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software: Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, iEMSs 2008
Conference location
Barcelona, Spain
Conference date
July 7 - 10, 2008

This paper describes an agent-based land use modeling approach, called MPMAS, developed at Hohenheim University. The main focus of this approach is the integration of economic decision-models with biophysical models of water supply and soil fertility at a fine spatial resolution. Short-term production and consumption decisions of agents are represented as mathematical programming problems, whereas longer-term decisions, for example investment and migration, are represented using heuristics. Here, we position the approach in relation to alternative agent-based models of land use and water management and describe empirical applications to Chile, Uganda, Ghana, and Thailand. Based on these practical experiences, we discuss the use of MP-MAS as a tool for collaborative learning and participatory research.

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