Potentiale einer Jatropha-Bioraffinerie
- Publication Type
- Contribution to conference
- Authors
- Idakiev, H.N.; Pudel, F; Romuli, S; Müller, J; Makkar, H; Latif, S; Karaj, S; Probst, L; Becker, K
- Year of publication
- 2014
- Conference name
- Mitgliederversammlung des PPM e.V.
- Conference location
- Magdeburg, Germany
- Conference date
- 28 November, 2014
- Keywords
- Jatropha
Involved persons
- Dr. sc. agr. Sebastian Romuli
- Prof. Dr. Joachim Müller
- Dr. Sajid Latif
- Dr. Shkelqim Karaj
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Becker