Total and Individual Glucosinolates of Newly Bred Open Pollinating Genotypes of Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea Convar. Botrytis Var. Italica) Grown Organically: Effect of Genotype and Growing Season.
- Publication Type
- Journal contribution (peer reviewed)
- Authors
- Sahamishiraz, S., Möhring, J., Zikeli, S., Fleck, M., Claupein, W. & S. Gräff-Hönninger
- Year of publication
- 2018
- Published in
- Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Aspects
- Band/Volume
- 123/
- 10.29011/2574-2914.000023
- Page (from - to)
- 1-8
Involved persons
- Dr. Jens Hartung
- Dr. agr. Sabine Zikeli
- Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein
- Prof. Dr. agr. Simone Graeff-Hönninger