Hohenheim Pin of Honor

The gold-plated pin of honor with the embossed logo of the University of Hohenheim is awarded in recognition of special achievements for the university. Among the dignitaries are members of the university as well as external persons.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


Award-holdersDate of the award
Dr. Peter Baumeister 19 June 2013
Prof. Dr. Martin Blum 30 September 2021
Prof. Dr. Christiane Bode (deceased 2024)2 July 2010
Prof. Dr. Heinz Breer 1 July 2022
Dr. med. vet. Helga Brehm 3 Dec 2010
Klaus Breuninger 7 July 2019
Prof Dr. Herwig Brunner 1 Feb 2013

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DignitariesDate of the award
Dr. Wolfgang G. Crusen (deceased 2025) 11 Mar 2019

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Nguyen The Dang 17 Apr 2012
Prof. Dr. Chau Thu Dao 17 Apr 2012
Prof. Mao Daru 2005
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Dinh 17 Apr 2012

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DignitariesDate of the award
Gunter Fellmann 29 Nov 2012
Prof Dr. Zhang Fusuo2005

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DignitariesDate of the award
apl. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haas20 June 2008
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Haubold 25 Apr 2002
Prof. Dr. Klaus Herdzina (deceased 2022) 17 June 2005
Dr. Klaus Herrmann (deceased 2022) 6 July 2017
Prof. Dr. Claus-Ulrich Hesemann (deceased 2016) 18 June 1999
Karl-Wilhelm Horstmann 12 Oct 2021
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Karl Hurle8 Feb 2019

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof Dr. Helmut Jacob18 June 1999

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Award-holdersDate of the award
Josef Kiefer († 2012) 7 Aug 2007
Dr. h. c. Matthias Kleinert 28 Sep 2009
Dr. Erik Knabbe († 2025) 1 Feb 1999
Prof. Dr. Gert Kollmer-von Oheimb-Loup (deceased 2021) 8 Feb 2019
Prof. Dr. Volker Kottke 2 Jul 2010
Prof Dr. Helmut Kuhnle 19 Oct 2006

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Hans-Peter Liebig 7 Feb 2014
Prof. Dr. Le Viet Ly 17 Apr 2012

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Klaus Macharzina 3 Nov 2005
Prof. An Min 2005

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Daruni Naphrom 17 Apr 2012

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Somchai Ongprasert17 Apr 2012

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DignitariesDate of the award
Walter Pfohl19 Nov 2006
Prof. Dr. Suwanna Praeneetvatakul 17 Apr 2012

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Erwin Martin Reisch (deceased 2018) 10 Nov 2014
Irmgard Rieder 10 June 2009

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Heinz Schuler (deceased 2021)8 July 2011
Prof. Shi Senbao 2005
Prof. Dr. Walter E. L. Spieß 2 July 2010
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Adolf M. Steiner 21 June 2002
Dr. Josef Streif 4 May 2011

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof Dr. Hans-Jörg Tümmers3 Feb 2017
Prof. Dr. George Turner 29 Sep 2000

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Paul Horst Wieser († 2022)18 June 1999
Dr. Matthias Wilhelm 3 Feb 2016

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Li Xiaoyun2005

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Rong Yi2005

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DignitariesDate of the award
Prof. Dr. Drs. h. c. Jürgen Zeddies20 June 2008

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