Surprise dish:
Snack event with political message, star chef and nutrition expert  [25.02.13]

2nd March 2013: Star chef Frank Oehler and nutrition expert Prof. Dr. med. Hans Biesalski provide food for body and thought / 11:00a.m.-2:00p.m., Galeria Kaufhof, Königstraße 6, Stuttgart / International Congress at the University of Hohenheim from 6th-9th March

For them it's all about human dignity. Hidden hunger is a largely unknown problem, and not only in poor countries. The poorer members of society in rich countries cannot afford healthy meals on a regular basis, resulting in illnesses. For children, the negative consequences of this range from irreversible health conditions to death. At the event which will take place at the gourmet food section in the basement of the Galeria Kaufhof department store on Saturday, 2 March 2013, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. star chef Frank Oehler from the on-campus restaurant Speisemeisterei, nutrition expert Prof. Dr. med. Hans Konrad Biesalski and Christian Steuber from Compass Group will be putting the topic of hidden hunger in the spotlight. Spectators will have the chance to sample a delicious snack for €1.50. All proceeds will be donated to charity.

Read the full article (in German).


First International Congress on Hidden Hunger

From 6 - 9 March 2013 leading scientists will convene in Hohenheim to discuss and find solutions to this crisis. You can find the programme, press dates and further information at


Book tip

Hans Konrad Biesalski: Hidden Hunger, Springer Berlin Heidelberg 2013, hardcover, 255 pages, €37.44, ISBN 978-3642339493, available as eBook ISBN 978-3-642-33950-9.

Text: Weik / Klebs, Transl.: O'Mealy

Contact for press:

Prof. Dr. Hans Konrad Biesalski, Universität Hohenheim, Fachgebiet Biologische Chemie und Ernährungswissenschaft, Tel.: 0711/459-24112, E-Mail:

Speisemeisterei GmbH, Marketing, Gerd Schmid, Tel.: 0711-63377993,

Compass Group Deutschland GmbH, Unternehmenskommunikation Tel.: 0 61 96/478-643 Fax: 0 61 96/478-58 643, E-Mail:

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