Initial funding

The University management will support you in preparing your project applications.

You can apply for initial funding for this purpose and use it to prepare third-party funding proposals.

SEED GRANTS for early career researchers

Initial funding for preparing EU applications

Initial funding for preparing consortium applications (not EU funding)

Initial funding for preparing large-scale DFG projects

SEED GRANTS for early career researchers (university)

DescriptionSupport for young scientists with preparing a research funding application: Development of ideas; scientific preparation work.
No support can be given for: Preparation of applications for scholarships, conferences, etc.
Funding organizationUniversity of Hohenheim
Funding amountup to € 5,000
RecipientsDoctoral students and post-docs at the University of Hohenheim within 6 years after completing their doctoral thesis (date of doctoral degree) 

Mara Lucic
+49 711 459 22819  |  email

Valentyna Zimmermann
+49 711 459 24614  |  email

Submission deadlineApplications can be submitted at any time.
Call for applications

Call for applications German | English

FormsApplication form (only available if you are logged in) German | English

Initial funding for preparing EU applications

DescriptionSupport with preparing an EU proposal; also for preparation of ERC grants: Funding is provided for staff, materials, or travel costs. The funds must be used for preparing a proposal. If no proposal is submitted, the initial funding may have to be reimbursed.
Funding organizationsMWK and the University of Hohenheim
Funding amount
  • 1-stage calls: max. € 7,000
  • 2-stage calls: max. € 7,000
    • 1st stage: max. € 3,500
    • 2nd Stage: an additional 3,500€
      (in exceptional cases, more is possible)
      When Stage 2 has been reached, it is no longer necessary to submit a new application for final funding. Simply send an informal email.
  • ERC grant: max. €15,000

Mara Lucic
+49 711 459 22819  |  Email

Call for applicationsInitial funding for preparing EU applications

Application form for EU initial funding

Application form for EU initial funding (ERC)

Initial funding for preparing consortium applications (not EU funding)

DescriptionSupport with preparing proposals for research consortia not funded by Horizon 2020: Funding is provided for staff, materials, or travel costs. The funds must be used for preparing a proposal. If no proposal is submitted, the initial funding may have to be reimbursed.
Funding organizationsUniversity of Hohenheim
Funding amount
  • 1-stage calls: max. € 7,000
  • 2-stage calls: max. € 7,000
    • 1st stage: max. € 3,500
    • 2nd stage: an additional 3,500€
      (in exceptional cases, more is possible)
      When stage 2 has been reached, it is no longer necessary to submit a new application for final funding. Simply send an informal email.

Mara Lucic
+49 711 459 22819  |  Email

Call for applicationsCall for applications for initial funding for research consortium proposals
FormApplication form for initial funding for research consortium proposals

Initial funding for preparing large-scale DFG projects

DescriptionSupport with preparing proposals for a DFG collaborative research center, a DFG research training group, or a DFG research group. Funding is provided for staff, materials, or travel costs. The funds must be used for preparing a proposal. If no proposal is submitted, the initial funding may have to be reimbursed.
Funding organizationsUniversity of Hohenheim
Funding amount
  • Collaborative research center: € 50,000 and another € 50,000 if you are asked to make a complete application
  • Research training group: € 30,000 and another € 30,000 if you are asked to make a complete application
  • Research group:: € 30,000 and another € 30,000 if you are asked to make a complete application

Dr. Janine Forler-Kettering
+49 711 459 22067  |  Email