Academic leave of absence

Quelle: stormpic@aboutpixel

If you have to interrupt your studies for important reasons, you may submit a request for a semester long leave of absence at the Registrar’s Office.

If you are planning a semester leave of absence, please remember that some courses are only offered once a year.
It can also affect any benefits you receive such as Bafög or child benefits.

Please get information in advance from the responsible agencies.

Please also note that requests for leave of absence with falsified documentation will be reported to the police.

As a rule, you will only be granted leave of absence if you are absent for at least 50% of the lecture period. A leave of absence is usually not possible for more than  two semesters. Leaves of absence for reasons that occurred after the end of the lecture period are not possible. Leaves of absence for previous semesters are also not possible.

Leaves of absence in the first subject-related semester are only possible if refusal would constitute an unreasonable, particular hardship (e.g., illness). Master's students can also be granted a leave of absence in the first subject-related semester due to an internship or semester abroad, provided there is a reason why the leave of absence must take place in the first subject-related semester.

A leave of absence is only possible if there is an important reason. This can be, for example:

  • taking up a practical activity that serves the degree program objective (compulsory or voluntary internship)
    Proof: contract or certificate of employment (copy); important: The duration and content of the activity must be stated.
  • Study at a foreign university or language school
    Proof: certificate from the foreign university or the responsible office at the University of Hohenheim (e.g. Office of International Affairs) (duration of studies must be stated)
    A leave of absence during studies at a foreign university as part of a double degree program is not possible.
  • Illness
    Proof: medical certificate stating the extent and duration of the impairment of studies due to the illness
  • Pregnancy / maternity protection
    Proof: copy of maternity pass (Mutterpass) with estimated due date / date of birth

  • Raising a child
    Proof: copy of the birth certificate and residency certificate, which also includes children living at the address (according to §18(2) of the Federal Registration Act), after the child’s 3rd birthday, justification for the child-raising time must also be provided
  • Caring for family members
    Proof: certificate from the care insurance fund confirming the level of care, certificate of registration as a caregiver

Writing a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Diplom thesis is part of the degree program and therefore not a reason for leave of absence.

Please submit your application for leave of absence in HohCampus and upload your supporting documents there as well (Service > Requests).

The application must be submitted by the re-registration deadline (SS: 15 February / WS: 15 August). If the reason for the leave of absence occurs later, the application must be submitted immediately. The application must be submitted before the end of the lecture period!

Decision on the request

A decision on granting the semester of leave cannot be made until all required supporting documentation is received. A leave of absence is always for one semester; if the reason continues beyond one semester, a new application is required.

If your request is approved, you will be able to access new certificates of enrollment in the HohCampus showing the leave of absence: The semester is then marked as a semester leave of absence on the certificate of enrollment. You can see how your application has been decided or what the current processing status is by looking at your application in HohCampus.

Semester leaves of absence are university semesters (Hochschulsemester), but not subject-related semesters (Fachsemester). This also applies if you take exams during the semester you are on leave.

Please note: As of summer semester 2025, semesters off will no longer be approved for attending a German course.

During a leave of absence, the regular semester fees (administrative fees, Student Services fee, and fee for the Student Parliament) must be paid.
It is not possible to have these semester fees waived.

An exception to this are the tuition fees for international students and second degree students:
It is possible to get an exemption from these fees due to a leave of absence if both the request for the leave of absence and the request for an exemption from the tuition fees were submitted before the start of the lecture period.

If you have already paid the tuition fees and are subsequently exempted from having to pay them due to a leave of absence, you can apply for reimbursement of the tuition fees. Please upload the request for reimbursement in HohCampus along with your request for the leave of absence:

Students on a leave of absence are not entitled to take part in the University of Hohenheim’s self-governance bodies, attend courses, or use University institutions - the exception are the Library and IT services, which may be used.

However, students who are on a leave of absence due to parenting or protective periods such as maternity leave or parental leave may attend courses and use all University institutions.

  • You may take exams but are not required to. This applies to all kinds of examinations (coursework, examinations, first attempts or make-up attempts).

If you registered for exams and decide not to take them during the leave of absence, then you will need to withdraw from these exams.
The request to withdraw is made informally in writing and submitted to the SIZ. It can be submitted as a letter to the SIZ or via email directly to the Examinations Office.


Financial aid according to BAföG is not granted during semesters on leave. One exception is Auslands-BAföG, which is paid while eligible students are studying abroad or doing an internship abroad. Semesters on leave during which no BAföG is paid are not included in the maximum period of financial support.

Time spent abroad for university study or work is not included the maximum period of financial support unless it exceeds one year. The latter condition does not apply if the time spent abroad is required in the degree regulations.

The Amt für Ausbildungsförderung (Federal Financial Aid Office) must be informed by the student on leave about the time and the length of semesters on leave (via matriculation certificates).

Child benefits

Whether child benefits are granted during the leave of absence depends on the reason for leave.

Health insurance

Students remain in the student / family insurance plan if they have a low-paying job (geringfügige Beschäftigung). If they earn above this limit (currently 450€ / month), then they are required to pay into the social benefit system for health, long-term care, pension, and unemployment insurance.

Students in the cooperative degree programs Bachelor of Food Chemistry and Bachelor of Business Information Systems

Students in the Bachelor's degree programs in Food Chemistry and Information Systems who are also enrolled at the University of Stuttgart do not apply for a leave of absence at the University of Hohenheim. They submit applications for a leave of absence to the University of Stuttgart, and once the application has been approved, a leave of absence is also carried out at the University of Hohenheim.

Leave of absence at the University of Stuttgart