Current members
(1) Pursuant to Sec. 19(2) LHG, the Senate is composed as follows:
- ex officio:
- the President,
- the Chancellor,
- the Gender Equality Representative.
- 32 elected, voting members:
- eighteen representatives of electoral group 1 in accordance with Sec. 10(1) sentence 2 no. 1 LHG (group of university lecturers),
- four representatives of electoral group 2 in accordance with Sec. 10(1) sentence 2 no. 2 LHG (group of academic employees),
- four representatives of electoral group 3 in accordance with Sec. 10(1) sentence 2 no. 3 LHG (group of students),
- three representatives of electoral group 4 in accordance with Sec. 10(1) sentence 2 no. 4 LHG (group of doctoral candidates),
- three representatives of electoral group 5 in accordance with Sec. 10(1) sentence 2 no. 5 LHG (group of other employees).
(2) Of the eighteen representatives of the group of university lecturers in accordance with subsection 1 no. 2 point 1, six representatives shall be allocated to each of the three faculties of the University of Hohenheim.
(3) The President chairs the Senate.
(4) A representative to be appointed by the student parliament may attend the meetings of the Senate in an advisory capacity.
(5) The Vice Presidents shall attend the meetings of the Senate in an advisory capacity.
(6) The deans may participate in the meetings of the Senate as advisory members, provided they are not elected members in accordance subsection 1 no. 2 point 1 and are not the deputies of these elected members.
Term of office for current members:
- Elected professorial members: 4 years
- Student representatives: 1 year
- Doctoral candidate representatives: 1 year
- Academic staff representatives: 2 years
- Representatives of other staff: 4 years