

The CV in a table format is an overview of the applicant's career and is the most important part of an application. A good CV is divided into meaningful blocks that are clearly structured and is 1 to max. 2 DIN-A4 pages long. The contents of the CV are adapted to the respective job advertisement.

How is a CV structured

Cover sheet:
A cover sheet is optional, i.e., an application is complete even without a cover sheet. If the CV is longer than two pages, a cover page can be created for space reasons with application photo, personal data, and a short profile. An attractive cover page can visually enhance the application.

(Online application forms do not include a cover sheet).

Personal data in the CV
First and last name, address, phone/mobile, email address with first and last name, date of birth, place of birth, Xing/LinkedIn profile, professional application photo is recommended.

Blocks in the resume:
Start with the most recent: Studies, school, experience from internships and student jobs, experience abroad, part-time student job, computer and language skills, further education, social, voluntary and political commitment, interests / hobbies if applicable.

Place, date, signature:
A signature is not mandatory. It adds a personal touch to the CV and confirms the accuracy of the information. The recommended scan resolution for digital application is about 300 dpi.

What doesn’t belong in the CV:
Parents, siblings, elementary school, activities too long ago, religion, nationality.

Webinar: Preparing a Winning Resume to Get More Job Interviews

Contents of Your CV, Professional Experience / Bullet Points Formula, Further Experience Sections, Layout and Format, ATS-Friendly Resume, Resume NO-GOs
Start Part 5 of our Webinar "Nailing the Recruitment Process in Germany" (ILIAS)

Downloads and links (in German):


A Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a maximum of two A4 pages long. It should be concise, compact, and as convincing as possible in highlighting your most important qualifications and experience. Sorting is done in reverse chronological order, that is, what you did most recently is listed first.

How is a CV structured?

  • Personal details: First and last name, address, telephone number LinkedIn profile
  • Job objective
  • Key skills - summary
  • Education: University degrees, highest secondary school certificate (school certificates can be listed in German and described in parentheses in English)
  • Career history, career development, work experience: Career entrants should use the title “Practical experience” for this section
  • Additional skills: Language and computer skills, awards, scholarships
  • Interests and activities and, if they are relevant for the position, hobbies
  • Conclusion: References available upon request

What doesn’t belong in the CV:

The heading “Curriculum vitae”, a photo, personal information such as date or place of birth, gender
Your CV does not need to be signed.

Downloads and links

... for students:
+49 711 459-23598

... for companies:
+49 711 459-22066

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Tues 1–2 p.m. and Thurs 10–11 a.m.

Individual advising appointment:
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An appointment via Zoom is also possible