6th Field of activity: Personnel development and scientific qualification


With targeted continuing education measures, academics with fixed-term contracts and those re-entering a career will have the opportunity to professionally position themselves in science or business.

  • The program “AKA 40 plus” is carried out with the goal of using potentials and expanding perspectives.

    Current implementation status:

  • The third and final round has been started successfully.

The mentoring program MentHo is evaluated.

  • The evaluation is done in the context of the project “Aufwind mit Mentoring,” which is financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the European Social Fund and carried out by the LaKoG.

    Current implementation status:

  • The evaluation has been completed.
    The results were presented during an expert conference on 15 and 16 June at the University of Hohenheim.

The situation of students with children at the University of Hohenheimis studied.

  • Current implementation status:

  • In cooperation with the AStA, a student survey was carried out.

Delays in Bachelor’s and Master’s theses and seminar papers for family reasons are regulated in a family-friendly way.

  • Current implementation status:

  • The examination regulations in the area of Bachelor’s and Master’s were revised accordingly.

The human resource development concept is implemented.

  • A human resource development concept is created.
  • The topic of reconcilability is integrated.

    Current implementation status:

  • Since January 2013, there has been an HR development concept that contains family-friendly measures (among others).

