
The Senate may create committees that have the authority to make decisions or advise. The voting members of the committees that have the authority to make decisions must be members of the Senate; the university professors must have the majority in these committees. Certain matters cannot be delegated to committees with the authority to make decisions. Sec. 19(1) sentence 7 of the State Higher Education Act (Landeshochschulgesetz) regulates which matters cannot be delegated to such committees.

Senate Committee on Capacity Issues

The Senate Committee on Capacity Issues is the only committee at the University of Hohenheim that can make decisions without requiring the approval of the larger body. The Committee deals with capacity issues and calculates the admission numbers for the University.

Chair / Contact:
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hess

Senate Committee for Studies and Teaching (SKL)

The Senate Committee for Studies and Teaching advises the University management and Senate on all fundamental issues related to studies and teaching. It creates suggestions for improving teaching, assists in implementing these suggestions, and prepares draft resolutions for the Senate.

Chairperson / Contact:
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hess

Senate Committee for Research (SKF)

The Senate Committee for Research advises the University Management and Senate on all fundamental issues related to research at the University of Hohenheim.

Chair / Contact:
Vice President for Research, Early Career Researchers, and Transfer, Prof. Dr. Julia Fritz-Steuber

Senate Committee for Information Management (SKI)

The Senate Committee for Information Management advises the University Management and Senate on all fundamental issues related to information and communication technology at the University of Hohenheim.

Chair / Contact:
Vice President for Digital Transformation, Prof. Dr. Caroline Ruiner

Senate Committee for Quality Management (SKQM)

The Senate Committee for Quality Management accompanies quality development processes at the University from an overarching QM perspective and supports the establishment of structures for QM. The objective is the establishment of quality control cycles in the areas of research, teaching, and studies as well as the supporting areas according to the quality policies and QM guidelines passed by the Senate in 2014.

Chair / Contact:
Prof. Dr. Marion Büttgen

Gender Equality Committee

The Gender Equality Committee is a Senate committee that has an advisory function for the Senate and the University’s Gender Equality Representative on matters pertaining to equality.

Chair / Contact:
Gender Equality Representative, Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt

Large Equipment Committee

The Large Equipment Committee is a Senate committee that has an advisory function for the Senate and University Management on all matters pertaining to large equipment at the University.

Chair / Contact:
Prof. Dr. Waltraud Schulze

Committee for Self-Monitoring in Science

The University of Hohenheim has a Committee for Self-Monitoring in Science to advise the President on matters related to ensuring good scientific practice. It is also responsible for investigating accusations of scientific misconduct.

Guidelines for Ensuring Scientific Integrity and Good Scientific Practices at the University of Hohenheim (in German) (PDF)

  | English reading version (PDF)

Chair / Contact:
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Palm

Senate Committee on State Graduate Funding

The Senate Committee on State Graduate Funding is a central allocation committee for State Graduate Funding to support particularly qualified doctoral candidates with state funds.  The Committee selects the scholarship recipients and in individual cases sets the duration of funding, the amount of the scholarship, and any special funding to be allocated.

Statutes for the State Graduate Funding (PDF)

Chair / Contact:
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hess

Commission for Creating a Plan for Parking Space Management

The task of the Senate Commission "Parking Space Management" is to draw up proposals for implementing parking space management at the University of Hohenheim as decided on by the state government and in particular to develop recommendations for the allocation of parking authorizations.

President, Prof. Dr. Stephan Dabbert
Chancellor, Dr. Katrin Scheffer