Examination regulations from 16 January 2011
1st Statute for changing the examination regulations from 30 March 20122nd Statute for changing the examination regulations from 25 February 20143rd Statute for changing the examination regulations from 22 July 2014
pa-wiwi@verwaltung.uni-hohenheim.deIn the subject, please give your degree program and matriculation number.
Telephone currently only available during limited hours
Ms. Wolf -23321Ms. Mack -24058 Ms. Renner -22472 Ms. Schard -23994 Ms. Usellmann -24441
Fax +49 711 459 - 24211
Opening hoursMon, Wed, and Fri | 10 - 11 a.m. Tues and Thurs | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.