Hannah Kuhfeld

Agricultural Biology

Hannah Kuhfeld works as a marketing and customer manager at PEFC Deutschland e.V., a certification system for sustainable forest management and the wood and paper product chain. She already got to know her current employer during her studies in Hohenheim.

Her Tips

  • Take your time during your studies and also do an internship semester.
  • Find internships and working student positions. They are good for getting a taste of what a certain profession is like.
  • Chemistry and biochemistry make up a large part of the degree program - this should be taken into account when choosing whether this is the right program for you.
  • Take advantage of the opportunities on campus and join in!

Marketing and Customer Manager
PEFC Germany e.V., Stuttgart

Studies at the University of Hohenheim 2010-2016

  • Agricultural Biology B.Sc.
  • Agribusiness M.Sc.


What are typical activities for you in your job?

We have two areas in which we certify: At the first level, we certify sustainably managed forests, regardless of whether they are in state, municipal, or private ownership. On the second level there are companies in the "wood product chain" - this includes sawmills as well as toy manufacturers who work with wood. As a customer manager, I take care of questions about regulations and certification procedures, for example, or about the use of our logo. And in my function as marketing manager, I am mainly concerned with increasing awareness of the PEFC certification.

When did you decide on your career?

In my Master's program in Agribusiness, I made the decision to go into sustainability and environmental management. The fact that I am primarily concerned with forestry issues and less with agricultural issues came about as a result of an internship at PEFC. I found it exciting that I still had to familiarize myself with the subject area and thus learned something new.


Why the University of Hohenheim? And why Agricultural Biology?

The Bachelor of Agricultural Biology combines agricultural science subjects with natural science subjects such as chemistry or microbiology. I thought this combination was very interesting. And because the University of Hohenheim offers such a unique combination and also enjoys an excellent reputation in agricultural research, the question of "where" was quickly answered.

"I was tempted by the combination of classical agronomy and the natural sciences."

What were your studies like?

As soon as we were able to set our own concentrations, I specialized in soil science - I simply followed a personal interest. With the Master's degree, I then specialized in economics, where I studied subjects such as economics, business administration, and marketing. At that time, I already knew that I did not want to go into research and that knowledge of economic interrelationships would therefore be all the more useful.

What about experiences outside of the classroom?

My experiences during my studies were extremely important for me. I was active in university sports and was able to make great contacts. One of the friends I made from the sports activities is now also a colleague. In addition, I was active in the Fachschaft and was involved in various committees there.

I got to know research practice mainly through a Humboldt-reloaded project and during my time as a research assistant.

"University Sports is a great way to make contacts."

I gained practical insights into the world of work through various internships - for example at a law firm for environmental law or at PEFC, where I also wrote my Master's thesis.

When I think back on my studies in Hohenheim, I think of...

...a great campus with many interesting offers outside the lecture hall. There are countless possibilities to shape your studies yourself - if you want to.

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Tues 1–2 p.m. and Thurs 10–11 a.m.

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