Rodopi Giagkazoglou

Education for Business and Economics

Rodopi Giagkazoglou studied Education for Business and Economics to become a teacher. With her start as a student teacherr at the vocational Erich-Bracher-Schule in Stuttgart, she decided on a school career, but could also have imagined working in a human resources department.

Her Tips

  • Take advantage of the information offered by the university. In addition to a detailed look at the website, it's also worth visiting the campus.
  • Get involved in student groups. Here you gain a lot of experience and make contacts that can also be helpful in your professional life. Students who don't live on campus or who commute can easily find connections here.

Student Teacher,

Studies at the University of Hohenheim 2012-2018:

  • Education for Business and Economics, B.Sc.
  • Education for Business and Economics (state-certified teacher program), M.Sc.


What are typical activities for you in your job?

I teach business administration and English. At the moment my work consists only to a small extent of lessons. Preparing the lessons takes up most of my time. I think about concepts, prepare content, and develop working materials. We take into account the content requirements defined by the state, but are otherwise very free. I like to try out new methods and work with digital tools.

When did you decide on your career?

I had always wanted to become a teacher and started my studies with this idea in mind. During my studies, however, I also gained practical experience in the personnel departments of companies and considered the possibility of pursuing career in a company after all. In the end, I decided to teach at a school - should I ever want to go back to a company, I have already made valuable contacts.


Why the University of Hohenheim? And why Education for Business and Economics?

"One of my teachers at the time inspired me to take up this profession - and told me about the University of Hohenheim."

Before I changed to an economic vocational school, I was at a Realschule. My absolute favorite subject was English and I was convinced at the time: I'm going to be an English teacher. The fact that I finally studied Education for Business and Economics with English in the elective area is due to my former business administration teacher at the Wirtschaftsgymnasium.

She was even able to make subjects like accounting so interesting that I really enjoyed them - and she had studied in Hohenheim.

What were your studies like?

Internships are a central part of the studies and a prerequisite for the student teacher program. I gained experience in school, but mostly in industry. I even took a year off between my Bachelor's and Master's studies to work.

"Internships are a central part of your studies and a prerequisite for the student teacher program."

During this time I worked in the human resources department of a medium-sized company, in the guidelines department at Daimler and in the human resources department of one of its subsidiaries.

But I have also gained practical experience as a Fachschaft council chair of the Business Education Fachschaft, which is a student body. I have also worked for Enactus Hohenheim, where students independently set up social and sustainability projects.

What competences from your studies are important in your job today?

Definitely self-organization. During your studies you have to plan a lot yourself and keep up to date. This is also important in my profession. In addition, there is the ability to break down a mass of information to the essentials.

When I think back on my studies in Hohenheim, I think of...

...intensive studying phases. But also the great people and friendships that developed.

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