Gather information

If you have been abroad before, then you have probably been a tourist. As an intern, you will get to have an entirely different perspective of a foreign country. You will get to know the daily life of the citizens much more intensively than most tourists. Besides another culture, conventions, and customs, depending on the country you could also find an entirely different working world and corporate culture.

That is why the most important thing is to gather as much information as possible about the country in which you want to complete your internship. Get a guidebook and read other travellers’ experiences online. Of course you should also inform yourself of cultural conventions and country-specific behaviors. You can thereby avoid putting your foot in your mouth once you arrive.

In which city will you work?


You will probably spend most of the time in a certain city. That is why you should gather a lot of information about the city in which your internship will take place: How many inhabitants are there? What kind of cultural and historical past does the city have to offer? What is the city known for? Where are the students? Where should you not go alone?

Work cultures


This also applies for your future employer. Inform yourself about the work culture in the country. Are there specific behaviour rules that are different to Germany? But despite all theoretical advice: In the first few weeks of your internship, observe how the other employees in the company behave. Be polite and rather reserved. In the first few weeks, don’t be a know-it-all or give “good advice.”

If you’re unclear on how to behave, for example at meetings or telephone discussions, it’s best to ask someone from inside the company. That is how you show your interest and willingness to learn. Openly talk to your colleagues and ask them about their opinions or feedback on your work. If there are other interns in the company, talk to them about what you should be mindful of. Be open and interested in the (corporate) culture of the country. If you just hide behind your computer, then you will find that you have not learned much.

Think about your free time


Inform yourself about the sites, special places, interesting cities, events and festivals, and climate conditions during your internship time and use the opportunity to get to know the country and people in your free time.