Statutes for Ensuring Good Scientific Practices (in German) | English reading version
Rules of Procedure for Self-Regulation in Science
Statutes of the University of Hohenheim’s Ethics Committee
Evaluation Regulations for Studies and Teaching
State Treaty on the Accreditation of Studies
Process description for quality assurance and quality development of degree programs
Central Institutions
University Scientific Centers
- Computational Science Hub (CSH)
Administrative and User Regulations
- Core Facility (CFH)
Administrative and User Regulations
Usage regulations for the Core Facility Hohenheim
- Module Mass Spectrometry
Interim, User, and Fee Regulations - Module Analytical Chemistry
Interim, User, and Fee Regulations
- Module Mass Spectrometry
- German Agricultural Museum
Administrative and User Regulations
- Research Centers
Administrative and User Regulations
- Hohenheim Gardens
Administrative and User Regulations
- University Archives
Administrative and User Regulations
- Agricultural Experimental Station
Administrative and User Regulations
Fee Regulations- Biogas plant at the Agricultural Experimental Station
Administrative Regulations
User and Fee Regulations
Financial Management Regulations
- Biogas plant at the Agricultural Experimental Station
Central Operational Institutions
- Graduate Academy
Administrative Regulations
Doctoral Regulations
Doctoral Regulations English reading version
1st statute to amend the doctoral regulations (10 July 2024)
1st statute to amend the doctoral regulations (English reading version)
- Communication, Information, and Media Center
Administrative Regulations
User Regulations
Fee Regulations - Service Unit Hohenheim Greenhouses
Administrative and User Regulations - University Experimental Animal Facility
Administrative Regulations
User Regulations
Fee Regulations
Non-Central Institutions
- Gambling Research Center
Administrative and User Regulations
- Competence Center Biodiversity and Integrative Taxonomy (KomBioTa)
Administrative and User Regulations
- Laboratory for Applied Nutritional Science and Dietetics (Dietetics Laboratory)
Administrative and User Regulations
Higher Education Admissions Act (Hochschulzulassungsgesetz)
Higher Education Admissions Ordinance (Hochschulzulassungsverordnung)
University of Hohenheim Admission and Enrollment Regulations (Official Notification no. 1505)
Regulations of the University of Hohenheim for the Allocation of Germany Scholarships
Statutes of Organization of the University of Hohenheim’s Student Body
Fee Regulations of the Student Body of the University of Hohenheim
Financial Regulations of the Student Body of the University of Hohenheim
Statutes for the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim (Student Services)
Fee Regulations of the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim (SoSe 2025)
Transitional Statute (Official Communication No. 1423)
Statutes on Regulatory Measures at the University of Hohenheim
General Ruling of the President / Domiciliary Right
Regulations on Viewing and Fees for Rooms, Museums, and Gardens of the University of Hohenheim
Chip-Card Regulations at the University of Hohenheim
AI Guidelines for supporting services
Guidelines for the allocation of lecture halls at the University of Hohenheim
Statutes on the Awarding of Honors
Statutes on Public Notifications at the University of Hohenheim
Statutes on the Appointment as Honorary Professor and on the Revocation of the Appointment
Statutes for the Award of the Academic Honor of Senior Professor
Guidelines for Information Security (English version below the German text)