
Here you can find tested bicycle routes shared by university members to and around Hohenheim.
If you need help planning your route to the University, the mobility team is happy to help. Simply send a request to

Whoever wants to share a route can set it up with an online route planner (see right-hand column) and send it to in an exported format (e.g. PDF, Link, GPS track file). It is also possible to attach a short description, which may contain, for example, special route information or suitability for certain wheel types.

As a destination in Hohenheim we recommend the bus stop "Universität Hohenheim", so that the routes can be better compared and transferred to individual work station locations.

Routes between Wolfschlugen and Hohenheim

  • Wolfschlugen - Hohenheim via Fildern, Plieningen (7 June 2019)
    Short, fast route passing Fildern, with some parts on heavy traffic roads (especially through Neuhausen and Plieningen), but in between you can enjoy asphalted paths with singing birds in the morning. Fewer hills than with the route via the more beautiful Körschtal, which is also frosty on autumn and spring mornings. Good view of air traffic - if you like that.
  • Proven with trekking bike without “E” and ambitious average speed of approx. 23 km/h.

Paths between Filderstadt-Bonlanden and Hohenheim

Further routes with different starting points (in alphabetical order)

  • Liebersbronn - Hohenheim via Esslingen (3 June 2019)
    Tested with pedelec, but suitable for all types of bicycles. A mix of city traffic and cyclist paths through the fields. The hills may make the route very difficult for a bicycle without any additional propulsion, but it is feasible if you are in good physical shape.
  • Maichingen/Sindelfingen - Hohenheim (8 July 2019)
    This route has been optimized for riding pleasure and largely leads along paved forest and field paths. You only have drive on quiet residential streets through Vaihingen and a small part through Möhringen. There are some schools on the route, you should be careful not to be there between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. At the very beginning of the route, you can take a shortcut by mountain bike or e-bike over a very coarse gravel path.
  • Tested with mountain bike, racing bike, and pedelec.
  • Walddorfhäslach - Hohenheim (27 May 2019)
    Very diverse route through the Schönbuch and the Fildern plain. Crossing of the airport is a bit of a challenge since the cyclist path is currently closed due to construction work. If Hohenheim is your destination, you should take the taxi lane down to the arrival terminal and from there on go to the Messe square. (The cyclist route planner was unfortunately unable to show this option.)

    GPX file