What rules apply to University vehicles?
Official vehicles of the state are exempt from the fee. For this purpose they will be equipped with a permanent parking permit. The exemption does not apply to private vehicles used for business trips.
Do motorcycles also have to pay parking fees? And where can they park?
Motorcycles and motorrollers are allowed to park in the unrestricted area and pay the fees there like all other vehicles. PBW is revising its general terms and conditions for this purpose.
The use of the app (virtual parking ticket) is obligatory for motorcycles, as no parking ticket has to be deposited on the dashboard when paying that way.
Motorcycles may not enter the gated areas. The background is a safety aspect: Due to the smaller metal content or the size of a motorcycle, detection via the induction loops at the entrances and exits to the barriered areas cannot be guaranteed.
E-scooters are parked like bicycles and must not obstruct anyone. For example, sidewalks, entrances and exits, access points, crosswalks, bus stops, fire zones, and other protected areas must remain clear and accessible at all times. More e-scooter information from the city of Stuttgart is available at www.stuttgart.de/e-scooter
What are the regulations for members of the State Horticultural School, the Studierendenwerk, the University Building Office and the Wirtschaftsarchiv?
The plan is that these groups of persons will pay the same reduced daily rate as University members. You can obtain further information by sending an email to pbw152@pbw.de.
What rules apply to craftsmen and delivery traffic?
The same rules apply as in the city center, for example: Short stops for delivery traffic are free. Parking is subject to a fee.
In order to be able to pass gates, suppliers or service providers report to the PBW control center via the intercom system installed there. The gate is then opened manually.
Tradesmen, suppliers, or service providers who come to the university regularly or to a certain extent are granted the reduced rate by PBW (as for members of the university). This includes in particular the company vehicles of the external annual companies.
The authorization of external companies must be made by the respective institution in whose area of responsibility the company falls. Essentially, these are the Technical and Domestic Services (AT) Department and the University Construction Office. For institutional service providers, a report is generated to AT via the relevant institution.
To get the discounted rate, companies must install the vParken app and create an account there. After registering in the app, a brief email to the PBW (pbw152@pbw.de) requesting approval is required. The email must be sent from the address registered in the app. The tariff changeover is then carried out manually by PBW.
In the vParken app, the license plates of the respective company vehicles can be stored for the unrestricted areas. For the restricted areas, a vParking card can be ordered via the app. The first vParken card is free of charge. If a company needs more than one vParken card, the PBW should be informed by email about the exact number after registration.
The parking ticket can be purchased by the respective employee of the company on site, but also by a central contact person of the company for the vehicles located in Hohenheim, regardless of location, via the vParken app. It is only important that the correct registration number of the company vehicle is always selected when booking the ticket. The virtual parking tickets for the parking areas are always valid 24 hours and on all six ungated areas on campus. The parking fees are invoiced directly between the external company and PBW via SEPA direct debit at the end of the month.
What are the regulations for people who live on campus for rent in state-owned buildings?
Special provisions are made for the group of persons concerned and family members in the same household. Residents can obtain further information by sending an email to pbw152@pbw.de.
Are there special regulations for invited guests of the University?
The University has the possibility to purchase one-time valid parking tickets from PBW at the reduced daily rate of 2 euros. These can be sent to guests by email in the form of a QR code before their visit. (Processing fee flat rate 30 EUR.)
What are the rules for people with disabilities?
Severely disabled persons with a valid disabled pass (“aG”, “H”, and "Bl") park free of charge. The existing handicapped spaces with a width of 3.50 m are reserved for severely handicapped persons with the characteristic "aG" (blue ID card).
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