Smart Spraying - MartA

Project begin
Project end

The objective of this project is to implement a multi-disciplinary
approach in order to develop a decision support mechanism for controlling crop
infestation in wheat and sugar beet, which would be more flexible and
more appealing to the farmers. Combining knowledge about plant
pathology, engineering, information technologies and spectral-imaging
techniques to easier delineate sub-field management zones of crop
infested areas is one goal. After successful delineation of infested
subfield zones, another goal is to use and evaluate a precise sprayer
with separately controllable nozzles to reduce the amount of chemicals
applied in the field based on the decision support system that is being developed.
Compared to preventative single rate chemical
application in conventional farming practices, precise application of
chemicals on infested sub-field zones should result in social, economic
and environmental benefits within the national sustainability strategy of the Federal Government.

Involved persons

Involved institutions