“We dissected the old, weak animals”

In this session it was time for the frogs. The frogs were bigger than I thought they would be. They were clawed frogs. They were raised here at the university in a species-appropriate way. We dissected the old, weak animals.

In a course with over 30 people of course not everyone could get a frog, but we split up into four groups. The animals were dissected by the course instructor and the student assistants. I was happy to be able to just watch for once.

It was really interesting to see that the heart was still beating even after the frog was dead, even after it was removed from the body. Together we went through all the organs. During that time, we asked questions and were told interesting facts about frogs.

The clawed frogs have a pretty lazy life. Either they lie around or eat. You could almost get jealous.

After watching, we also had to take note of where the organs were on a worksheet. We realized that the frogs aren’t that different from us when it comes to structures.

Katrin. 1st semester, Biology

The contributions include the personal and individual opinions of students and supervisors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the University of Hohenheim.