The contributions include the personal and individual opinions of students and supervisors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the University of Hohenheim.

I had nothing comparable to this at school. | more

I come from a farm with fattening pigs, and I still think our excessive eating of meat is a waste but not dissection like it’s done in the “cutting class.” | more

The fact that we did everything with partners made me feel better. Fixing the dead worm was a small challenge since we were all still too squeamish. | more

At the end of the class I realized that it had been a living being. | more

In the zoology lecture everything was discussed in detail, and our current professor put a lot of effort into making us more familiar with the insects. For me with only moderate success, unfortunately. | more

In my opinion, we could have avoided this mess and used a model. | more

An upcoming biologist should try to learn as much as possible when dissecting out of respect for the animal’s life. | more

We had to dissect a fish. For some people that might not seem so bad, but for me personally it was horrible. | more

The crab was especially interesting. I would never have thought that... | more

The course gave me the chance to observe, touch, and therefore understand at least a little about all the fascinating characteristics of living beings. | more

The animals were dissected by the course instructor and the student assistants. I was happy to be able to just watch for once. | more

Still: No picture or movie in the world comes close to live dissection when it comes to teaching effects and visualization. | more

It seems to me that over time I got used to seeing dead, gutted animals. Although I don’t want to say that I could do it myself. | more

These chicks would have died anyway (unfortunately). | more

I wouldn’t want future first-semester students to have to miss this class. | more

In general, I found this course interesting and educational, but on the other hand I would have been more comfortable if we had dissected only a few animals in groups like with the frogs. | more

Personally, I think it was great that our university offers us this opportunity. | more

Universities are criticized for the way they handle animals, animal experiments, and dissection courses. The University of Hohenheim would like to state its position and let its students speak for themselves. | more