The contributions include the personal and individual opinions of students and supervisors. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the University of Hohenheim.

“I thought it was good that attention was paid to the animals’ origins.”

I thought in general the course was very interesting because we could visualize what we learned directly on a (formerly) living object, and there was a direct link between theory and practice.

A few of the course sessions took me to my limits, but I found it very important as a future biologist to see all the tissues, organs, and everything else in real life (to feel and smell them).

I also thought it was good that attention was paid to the animals’ origins. Although I would like to say something about the animals that came from the food industry (like the trout): Of course the animals were not bred especially for dissection, but by buying them, we still created a demand that increases the offer and so on. We are all familiar with that. It is therefore not true that there is no disadvantage to us using animals from the food industry for dissection.

In all, though, I thought the course was very enriching and would not like to eliminate it from the program for first semester students.

Maike, 1st semester, Biology