Pre-study internship

The pre-study internship is not required as of the winter semester 2017/18.
Applicants starting in the WS 2017/18 or later will no longer have to show proof of a pre-study internship.

Who needs to do one?

Applicants for the Bachelor's study programs

  • Agricultural Biology
  • Agricultural Sciences

Where do I need to submit proof?

Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart

What are the deadlines?

You should submit proof when registering.

At the latest, however:

  • for applications for the WS: by 15 October
  • for applications for the SS: by 15 April

For applications after these deadlines, proof must be submitted by the registration deadline.

All necessary proof must be received by the Registrar's Office of the University of Hohenheim completely and on time. If this is not the case, you will lose your eligibility to enroll!

Details on the pre-study internship

The purpose of the pre-study internship is to educate prospective students in the basic production methods used in agriculture in preparation for their universitiy studies in the field of agricultural sciences and, at the same time, familiarize them with the farming industry first-hand.

Prospective students gain insights into working in the agricultural sector and can therefore make better decisions as to whether or not this is the right field of study for them based on their experiences.

  • 8 weeks of full-time employment (40 working days).
  • The 8 weeks can be divided up into a maximum of two separate periods (each being not less than two weeks) being done at a maximum of two different locations.

1. Internship positions in Germany

The pre-study internship must take place in a state-certified training center for the following apprenticeship professions:

  • Biology lab technician
  • Biological-technical assistant
  • Skilled worker in an agricultural service field
  • Lumberjack
  • Gardener
  • Farmer
  • Agricultural-technical assistant
  • Agricultural-technical lab technician
  • Dairy product lab technician
  • Horse trainer
  • Veterinary assistant
  • Animal keeper
  • Livestock farmer
  • Environmental protection technical assistant
  • Veterinary technical assistant
  • Winegrower

List of agricultural training centers

The pre-study internship must take place in a state-certified agricultural training center for the following apprenticeship professions:

  • Skilled worker in an agricultural service field
  • Lumberjack
  • Gardener
  • Farmer
  • Horse trainer
  • Livestock farmer
  • Winegrower

List of agricultural training centers

2. Internships abroad

The employer must be similar in structure to other enterprises in the country, the operations manager must be mainly responsible for farming issues at the enterprise and the enterprise must have the size and structure to be able to offer internship positions.
An internship at an enterprise abroad must be approved by the Internship Office in advance. Please send questions via e-mail.

3. Internships opportunities in your country of origin (for international prospective students)

The employer must be similar in structure to other enterprises in the country, the operations manager must be mainly responsible for farming issues at the enterprise and the enterprise must have the size and structure to be able to offer work placement positions.

The University of Hohenheim is unfortunately not able to provide information or contact information regarding internship opportunities. However, we are happy to provide links to the responsible government offices and organizations in Germany as well as specialized search engines and platforms on the internet.

  1. Acknowledgement from the employer must include the length of the period of employment.
  2. Logbook containing a total of 8 journal pages (fully-filled out).
    Each page must be signed by the supervisor.
  3. Work placement opportunities abroad:

    Approval for an internship at an agricultural enterprise abroad must be given by the Internship Office.

Should you be unable to provide confirmation of having done your pre-study internship on time due to unforseeable circumstances , e.g. illness, pregnancy, work-related issues (the contract must be signed before 15th August 2015), it must be submitted at the end of the third semester at the latest.

In such cases, please submit an application for an extension according to the deadlines specified above: There is no form or pre-defined format for the application, but it must include the reason and proof (e.g. doctor’s note, birth certificate of your newborn, employment contract) and be sent to the Registrar’s Office.

If you are enrolling in a higher subject-related semester and cannot yet show proof of having done an internship, proof of the internship must be submitted by the end of the third semester in Hohenheim.

  • trainee examination
  • proof of completed professional training
    in one of the above-mentioned fields
  • prior experience in agriculture
    (e.g. growing up on a farm)

Proof of the following as necessary

  1. trainee examination... diploma / certificate
  2. Proof of completed professional training... training certificate
  3. Prior experience in agriculture... proof of your having grown up on a farm form

BAföG can be obtained for pre-study internships.

Please contact Student Services (Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim) for more information.