Computer-assisted examinations

Teaching Service Portal

Computer-assisted examinations

Online examinations with ILIAS

Computer-based examinations can be taken on centrally administered notebooks in the Audimax and in the public computer rooms via the ILIAS learning platform. Up to 150 students can be tested on campus at one time, and between 500 and 700 students can take online examinations consecutively each day. The evaluation of these examinations is automated to a large extent. KIM advises you on the preparation and creation of ILIAS examinations and supports you during the implementation on campus in the computer room.

Detailed information

Scan examinations with EvaExam

For the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, there is the possibility to conduct examinations in large courses with the software EvaExam. This is particularly advantageous for examinations with a large number of multiple-choice questions. In this form of examination, the questions are answered on special paper sheets that are scanned and automatically evaluated at the end of the examination. Especially for examinations with large numbers of participants, this can significantly reduce the correction time.

Detailed information

The exam regulations for the respective degree program regulate the types of examinations permitted.