Teaching Service Portal

Use of rooms

After completing the scheduling or booking the room using the room booking system, the room will be available at the time you booked for the purpose of the event.

Your contact person for all questions about using the rooms is Technical and Domestic Services.

During the core times: Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

During the core times, all buildings as well as the centrally managed rooms and halls are open.

Rooms must be booked online in advance: to room booking
For non-teaching events with external participants, the event should be reported to Campus Services using the Event Planning form.

Outside of the core times:

Events outside of core hours are best organized in the teaching rooms of the Palace and Kavaliershäuser. The rooms have to be requested online and the issue of locking doors has to be settled with the Palace’s facility manager team.

Teaching spaces west of Heinrich Papst Street (west campus) are not assigned outside of core hours. Exceptions may be made for the Biology Building/Eco Center.

Palace and Kavaliershäuser

The event organizer is responsible for opening and closing the room and access points to the room.

Outside of core hours, this aspect must be cleared with Campus Services in advance of the event.

Alternatively, there is the possibility to request that a facility manager is responsible for the event, which also includes opening and closing the rooms. Also, if additional cleaning, event equipment, or internet access is needed, contact Campus Services. Non-teaching events with external participants are planned using the process found on the "Event Planning" page.

Biology and Ecology Center

The lecture halls in the Biology and Ecology Center are only monitored by a facility manager upon request outside of the core times. You can request the presence of a facility manager during the event planning. According to the arrangements made, the facility manager can open and close the necessary building accesses and the lecture halls booked. He starts the lecture hall technology and prepares the rooms for the event organizer.

West Campus and

The lecture halls and event rooms at these locations are managed centrally, but the remaining parts of the building have remained the responsibility of the institution that uses them.

That is why using these rooms outside of the core times should be avoided.

Computer roomsIf you want to use the computer rooms during the weekend, you can arrange with the KIM to pick up a key at the IT Service Desk beforehand.



Standard Equipment

In the overview of lectures halls and event rooms, the standard equipment for the individual rooms is noted.

Additional Equipment

Additional equipment needs to be requested in a timely manner before the event - at least 2 weeks in advance, and if possible when requesting the room:

  • Facility manager
  • Locking up
  • Lecture hall and media equipment
  • Telecommunications
  • Internet access
  • Cleaning

Go to the Event Planning page, there you will find the necessary forms.

The Lecture Hall and Media Equipment team and the Technical and Domestic Services department is your point of contact for all questions related to the technology in the lecture halls and event rooms.

  • Instruction manuals
    In many of the lecture halls, individual instruction manuals for the available technology is available and can also be downloaded as a pdf.
    Instruction manuals lecture halls and event rooms

  • Use of projectors and wireless microphones
    Basic information on using the projectors and wireless microphones can be found on these pages:
    User information on video projectors

    User information on wireless microphones
  • Technical instructions
    You can receive technical instructions directly in the lecture hall at the beginning of each semester. The dates are published in “Kurz gemeldet.”

Please contact the responsible facility manager about any defects or problems.
If they cannot solve a problem by themselves, they will report it to the responsible staff member in AT.

List of facility managers

Reporting a problem

If there are problems or if you have questions, you should first contact the responsible facility manager.