Space – The interactive online tool for your personal and professional orientation

Studying is your time to learn new things, develop aspirations and goals for the future, and figure out your career path. But with so many options open to you, it can also be difficult to find your bearings or make decisions.

You can find inspiration and ideas for your personal and professional orientation in SPACE, an interactive tool that is available to all students at the University of Hohenheim at any time. You embark on a journey through your personal SPACE, where you can get to know yourself and find inspiration for your further path through your studies and into your career.

Benefits | How it works | Contacts

How does SPACE work?

  • You can join SPACE in ILIAS, explore it, and work in it whenever you want.
  • In your SPACE portfolio, you collect everything you need to start your career: Your ideas, your wishes, and your skillset.
  • SPACE is your personal space for work and reflection. There are no submissions and no one checks your progress.
  • The various stations in SPACE are of interest to you at different stages of your studies, but especially from the 3rd Bachelor semester onwards.

The CareerCenter offers events to introduce you to SPACE. You can find the current dates on the F.I.T. platform.


SPACE ist im Rahmen des Projektes "DeLLFi - Digitalisierung entlang  Lehren, Lernen und Forschen integrieren" entstanden, welches von 2021 bis 2024 von der Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre an der Universität Hohenheim gefördert wurde.

Für einen Austausch zum Konzept, der Umsetzung und den Einsatzmöglichkeiten des SPACE stehen Hannah Mönninghoff oder Sarah Botella gerne zur Verfügung.