Stop 20: Joseph Kosuth’s Labyrinth

In 1993, the artiest Josphe Kosuth created a temporary installation in the form of a double-centered labyrinth reminiscent of a large, old poplar. The labyrinth stood in the east half of the Palace courtyard and was made out of hornbeam.

It was 28x32m large. On the path to the centers, there were stone slabs with texts from Friedrich Schiller’s letters engraved: “On the Aesthetic Education of Man” (26th and 27th letters).

The Schiller labyrinth was meant to be thought-provoking on the University’s 175th anniversary. The maze was to give space for many associations and reflections: for example the field of tension between natural sciences and the liberal arts, of ecology and economy, of tradition and progress...

Since 1996, the remains of the installation can be found in the inner courtyard of the University Library in the east wing of the Palace’s central building.

Print version of the complete historical tour (German)
Print version of Stop 20 (German)
Flyer Historical Tour (English)


University Archive (786)
Dr. Regina Wick (Director)

Schloss Hohenheim
70599 Stuttgart


+49 (0)711 459 22119



Opening hours University Archive:
Mon - Thurs: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Fri: 9 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.