The project “student for a day” is intended for prospective students in grades 10-12 who have already informed themselves about studying and who are interested in one of Hohenheim’s degree programs.
The day at the University and discussions with university students is meant to help the prospective students compare their ideas and expectations about their desired degree program with the actual requirements and reality, helping them to make a more informed decision about their future studies and profession.
As a “student for a day”, the goal is to get to know what daily life is like as a student, which is why participation must be during the lecture period.
The Project “Student for a day” is a part of the Bund-Länder initiative “educational chains” and is funded in the context of the package of measures for professional and student orientation at the secondary level II (BESTOR) by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts.
The overarching goal of the national initiative is to manage successful transitions from school to vocational training or studying. At Baden-Württemberg schools, this objective is in the new educational plan and is to be realized in the introduction of the new subject economic/professional and study orientation (WBS) in grades 8 to 10.
Schools receive support from the universities’ central student advisory services, the Federal Employment Agency, and other partners who provide formats for professional and student orientation.
Link between School and University
The focus of the BESTOR projects is on the intersection of school-university. Additional offers in the upper grade levels are to give prospective students an authentic look at studying at an early point in time, opening up specific perspectives for after they have completed school. A reflected decision on what to study and thus the best-suited choice of a degree program can pave the way for a satisfactory and successful time at university, lowering the risk of drop-outs in the long term.
Besides the University of Hohenheim, in the BESTOR program the Universities of Freiburg and Tübingen, KIT, and the company aha!-Film, led by graduates from the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, were charged by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts with developing innovative formats for study orientation.
The following projects have resulted:
- Student for a day: The University of Hohenheim designed a practical module for secondary school students to put together various elements to create an individual day at the University accompanied by “real” students.
- OLGA - Online course for teachers at general upper secondary schools: At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, needs-oriented continuing education programs for promoting professional and study orientation are being developed
- BW² - Know more in BW: The University of Tübingen is developing self-learning modules and sample tasks for the basic degree programs at all universities in Baden-Württemberg
- BEST II: Tied to the BEST decision-making training program, the University of Freiburg is creating a methods toolbox that includes modularized lesson materials for study and professional orientation at the upper secondary level
- Buena Vista BW: In its virtual student information day, aha!-Film shows various fields of study in animated short films
After a design and test phase, the offers developed by the individual universities are to be made available to all Baden-Württemberg universities and upper secondary level schools for use, e.g. on the platform