University Council

as a university council according to Sec. 20 of the State Higher Education Act (Landeshochschulgesetz)

The University Council accompanies the university, assumes responsibility in strategic matters, decides on structural and development planning and proposes measures that serve to enhance the University's profile and increase its performance and competitiveness. It supervises the President's Office management tasks.

The University Council is made up of eleven members (six external and five internal). The chairperson is an external member. The University of Hohenheim’s University Charter regulates the number of members and their terms of office.

Elected members

External members

Dr. Susanne Herre
Chair of the University Council
CEO of IHK Region Stuttgart

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauernhansl
Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation,
Fraunhofer Institute Stuttgart

Prof. Dr. Tilman Grune
Scientific Advisory Board
German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke

Ms. Grit Puchan
Former Ministerial Director in the MLR.

Ms. Waltraud Weegmann
Managing Director Konzept-e Netzwerk
KONZEPT-E für Bildung und Soziales

Prof. Dr. Birgitta Wolff
President of the University of Wuppertal
Professor of General Business Administration

Internal members

Prof. Dr. Jörn Bennewitz
Assistant Chair of the University Council
Institute of Animal Science

Prof. Dr. Marion Büttgen
Institute of Marketing & Management

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schaller
Institute of Biology

Dr. Konstantin Kuck
Communication, Information and Media Center (KIM)

Inga Müller
Student Representative

Advisory members

President's Office

Prof. Dr. Julia Fritz-Steuber
Vice President for Research, Early Career Researchers, and Transfer

Prof. Dr. Andreas Pyka
Vice President for International Affairs

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Hess
Vice President for Academic Affairs

Prof. Dr. Caroline Ruiner
Vice President for Digital Transformation

Dr. Katrin Scheffer
Chancellor of the University of Hohenheim

Gender Equality Representative

Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt

Representative from Ministry of Science

Dr. Justus Lentsch

Term of office

The term of office of the student representative is one year.

The other members have three year terms of office.