1st Field of activity: Working, research, and studying time


Family-conscious office hours should be kept.

  • Office hours for all University members should be set such that family appointments for childcare or care of relatives are not affected.
  • Work on Saturdays is to be restricted to an absolute minimum.
  • University Management will communicate this to all managers and professors.

    Current implementation status:

  • The working hours regulation for all employees was expanded to include “family-friendly office hours.”
    Circular mail from the University Administration No. 5 / 2012
  • Additional guidelines for fixed-term contracts for mid-level faculty.
    Circular mail from the University Administration No. 12 / 2013

Flexible working hours can be arranged according to family requirements.

  • Managers permit flexible hours especially for family requirements.

    Current implementation status:

  • Deviations from the regulations for flexible working hours for family reasons are regulated in Sec. 3(7) of the Work Agreement on Working Hours for Employees of the University of Hohenheim in the sense of the “family-friendly university.”

