Reality Check

In unserem Reality Check haben Sie die Möglichkeit, darüber nachzudenken, ob dieser Studiengang Ihren Interessen und Fähigkeiten entspricht und was Sie persönlich für ein Studium motiviert. Nutzen Sie unsere Informationsangebote vor Ort und sprechen Sie mit Studierenden, der Zentralen Studienberatung oder besuchen Sie eine Vorlesung. So können Sie Ihre Erwartungen überprüfen und sich ein eigenes Bild vom Studium in Hohenheim machen!

You’ve read all the information? Then check whether the degree program you’ve chosen is the right one for you. The following questions will help you:

Subject-area interest

  • Are you interested in the content of the degree program?
  • Did you have fun reading the texts about the degree program?


  • Do you understand what is expected of you in the program?
  • Do you feel that you can meet the requirements in the program?
  • Do you already fulfill the requirements?
  • Do you think you can develop the required skills?


  • What are your reasons for wanting to study in this degree program?
  • What fascinates you?
  • What do you want to achieve with your studies?

Career choice

  • Do you see yourself reflected in the professional fields listed?
  • If you already have a desired career: Will this degree program enable you to work in your desired career?

Gut feeling

  • Are you excited about starting the program?
  • How do you feel about the decision for this degree program?
  • Do you have hesitations?

Are you still unsure?

If you are still unsure about your decision, the University of Hohenheim’s Central Student Counselling Center (ZSB) can offer you assistance.

Use the University of Hohenheim’s offer to attend a real lecture: In the taster course you can learn a bit about the program content in a few selected lectures, talk to students, discover the campus, and get to know everyday life at the University and find out what it means to study.

Where and when: you can find the time, location, and start of the respective lectures in the Pupils’ Course Catalog.

Registration: Registration is not necessary unless it is explicitly noted or if you want to attend a course with a larger group (more than 5 people). If you have questions, please contact the Central Student Counselling Center (ZSB).

If you have a specific idea about your desired degree program, you can get a realistic look at everyday life studying at the University of Hohenheim as a “Student for a Day.”

Our student mentors answer your questions about studying, take you to the lectures, and show you around campus.

Further information and registration: Contact the mentors in your desired degree program using the contact information on the website and agree on a date for your day together at the University of Hohenheim. If you have more questions, please contact Katrin Renschler via email.

  • Homepage Student for a Day

Daniel Herrmann

Daniel Herrmann studied Agricultural Biology with a focus on Livestock Biology at the University of Hohenheim. Today, he works as a process technologist and controller at the PHW-Gruppe, which is active in producing and marketing poultry specialties.

To the complete profile

Tim Range

Tim Range completed his Bachelor’s in Agricultural Biology in Hohenheim followed by the Master’s of the same name. Today, he works as a Quality Manager with EuroChem Agro, a fertilizer supplier.

To the complete profile

Hannah Kuhfeld

Hannah Kuhfeld works as a marketing and customer manager at PEFC Deutschland e.V., a certification system for sustainable forest management and the wood and paper product chain. She already got to know her current employer during her studies in Hohenheim.

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