Important for the university...

Approval by the Internship Office

It is generally possible to do your mandatory field placement in a foreign country. The Internship Office is more than happy to give you a helping hand.
Check with the Internship Office well in advance to find out which criteria must be fulfilled in order for the internship to be recognized later. The internship report which you may need to submit can be written in either English or German.

Applying for an academic leave of absence

An academic leave of absence may also need to be taken depending upon the length of the internship and when exactly it takes place. In case you do plan on taking a leave of absence, please be aware that many courses are only offered once a year. Also be aware that this can influence your eligibility for financial assistance, such as state scholarship money (Bafög) and child benefits. Please get in touch with the respective persons well in advance.

A leave of absence is usually only granted for periods lasting more than 50% of the lecture period. To do so, please submit the appropriate documentation - a copy of your work contract or an acknowledgement - to the Registrar’s Office. Important: The acknowledgement or contract must contain the duration and nature of your employment.

Generally, the application must be submitted before the deadline for re-registration (summer term: 15th Feb., winter term: 15th Aug.). Should you still not have any acknowledgement from your prospective employer, it can still be submitted up until the start of the lecture period.
If a reason for taking a leave of absence occurs at a later date, the application must be submitted immediately .