Recognition | Crediting


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What is the difference between recognition and crediting?

The difference between recognition and crediting is whether an exam was completed at a university or outside the university system.

The request procedure depends on the date on which the work was completed that is to be recognized or credited.


Requirement for recognition

Coursework and exams are recognized if there is no significant difference between the competences you acquired and the module that is to be replaced.

Only complete modules are recognized. It is not possible to have partial modules recognized!

There is no significant difference when recognizing

  • compulsory modules if the competences obtained are in line with at least 75% of the learning and qualification goals for the compulsory/foundational module listed in the Hohenheim module catalog;
  • semi-elective, profile, focus, or specialization modules if the competences obtained are suitable for the selected level;
  • elective modules if the competences obtained largely correspond to the level of those in the respective degree program.

Procedure for the recognition of work completed before studying in Hohenheim

Antragstellung im Bewerbungsverfahren - für ein höheres Fachsemester

Informationen zur Antragstellung im Bewerbungsverfahren finden Sie hier.

Antragstellung nach der Einschreibung

Wichtig: Der Antrag muss bei einem Studienbeginn im WiSe bis zum 31.12. und im SoSe bis zum 30.06. gestellt werden!

Recognition in the degree programs of the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Sciences

The following steps are necessary for the recognition of compulsory modules:

  • You fill out the form for the recognition of a compulsory module for the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Sciences.
  • You take the form to the person responsible for the module.  You can find this person in the module description under “Search modules” in HohCampus. Please also enclose an overview of the coursework and examinations and a module description with the request.
  • The person responsible for the module then checks whether the requirements for recognizing the module as a compulsory module in Hohenheim are met.
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is recognized, it will be entered in HohCampus with the Hohenheim module title.
  • You will receive a written notification of the recognized modules and the modules that will not be recognized.

The following steps are necessary for the recognition of semi-elective and elective modules:

  • You send an informal request for recognition to the Examinations Office.
    - Enclose an overview of the coursework and examinations and a module description with the request.
    - Indicate in the request in which area the module is to be recognized (elective or semi-elective modules).
  • The examination board will then check whether the requirements for recognizing the module as a semi-elective or elective module in Hohenheim are met. In the case of semi-elective modules, the degree program director may be asked for a recommendation on the decision.
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is recognized, it will be entered in HohCampus  with the original designation.
  • You will receive a written notification of the recognized modules and the modules that will not be recognized.

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Recognition in the business and economics degree programs

The following steps are necessary for the recognition of compulsory modules:

  • You fill out the following forms:
    - Cover sheet for recognition
    - Request for recognition of compulsory modules
  • Submit these two documents to the Examinations Office together with the supporting documents listed on the forms. Please send the forms and supporting documents by email.
  • The examination board then checks whether the requirements for recognizing the module as a compulsory module in Hohenheim are met.
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is recognized, it will be entered in HohCampus with the Hohenheim module title.
  • You will receive a written notification of the recognized modules and the modules that will not be recognized.

The following steps are necessary for the recognition of Hohenheim modules:

  • You fill out the following forms:
    - Request for recognition of Hohenheim modules
  • You take the form to the person responsible for the module.  You can find this person in the module description under “Search modules” in HohCampus. Please also enclose an overview of the coursework and examinations and a module description with the request.
  • The person responsible for the module then checks whether the requirements for recognizing the module as a compulsory module in Hohenheim are met.
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is recognized, it will be entered in HohCampus with the Hohenheim module title.
  • You will receive a written notification of the recognized modules and the modules that will not be recognized.

The following steps are necessary for the recognition of profile or elective modules that are not comparable with any Hohenheim module:

  • You send an informal request for recognition to the Examinations Office.
    - Enclose an overview of the coursework and examinations and a module description with the request.
    - Indicate in the request in which area the module is to be recognized (specialization area, free elective area, etc.).
  • The examination board then checks whether the requirements for recognizing the module in Hohenheim are met.
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is recognized, it will be entered in HohCampus with the original designation.
  • You will receive a written notification of the recognized modules and the modules that will not be recognized.

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Recognition in the communication science degree programs

The following steps are necessary for the recognition of Hohenheim modules:

  • You fill out the following forms:
    - Request for recognition of Hohenheim modules
  • Please submit the application to the coordinator for the communication science degree programs. Please send the forms and supporting documents by email to
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is recognized, it will be entered in HohCampus with the Hohenheim module title.
  • You will receive a written notification of the recognized modules and the modules that will not be recognized.

The following steps are necessary for the recognition of profile or elective modules that are not comparable with any Hohenheim module:

  • You send an informal request for recognition to
    - Enclose an overview of the coursework and examinations and a module description with the request.
    - Indicate in the request in which area the module is to be recognized (specialization area, free elective area, etc.).
  • The examination board then checks whether the requirements for recognizing the module in Hohenheim are met.
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is recognized, it will be entered in HohCampus with the original designation.
  • You will receive a written notification of the recognized modules and the modules that will not be recognized.

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Request for a change of degree program within the University of Hohenheim

If you change your degree program within the University of Hohenheim, credits will only be transferred automatically if you have applied for admission to a higher subject-related semester. In this case, the credits you have completed up to the time of application will be transferred.

You can either have all credits that you acquire after applying recognized or take the courses again. If you would like to request recognition, please send an informal request for recognition to the Examination Office.

If you do not wish to have only compulsory modules recognized, please indicate the area to which the modules should be assigned.

Note on examinations in the second examination period:

After a change of degree program, you can still register for and take examinations in the “old” degree program in the second examination period. This also applies if the semester in which you start the “new” degree program is already running.

It is then important to note that the modules are not automatically recognized. You will still need to request recognition informally at the Examinations Office. 

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Special case: Exchanging compulsory modules in the Master’s degree programs of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

  • Exchanging compulsory modules is only possible in the Master’s degree programs of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
  • A maximum of two compulsory modules can be exchanged.
  • The requirement for the module exchange is that you have acquired the knowledge of the compulsory module in terms of content and scope through your previous studies.
  • The module supervisor is responsible for assessing whether this is the case. Please clarify with the module supervisor which documentation you need to submit. This is usually a transcript of records and a module description from the other university.
  • Submit the required exchange of compulsory modules form together with an informal request to the Examinations Office. The request can be sent by email.
  • The Examinations Office will forward your request to the examination board for a decision.
  • After approval, the replacement module is entered in HohCampus. Exam registration for replacement modules is not possible online. In these cases, you can only register by sending an email to the Examination Office.
  • If your application is rejected, you will receive a written notification.

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Procedure for the recognition of work completed while studying in Hohenheim

You can have credits recognized during your studies if you complete them at another university or if you are enrolled at Hohenheim at the same time.

You can have credits recognized during your studies if you complete them at another university or if you are enrolled at Hohenheim at the same time.Recognition is not possible for modules for which you have not registered in time!

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Recognition in the degree programs of the Faculties of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Sciences

Recognition of work completed at other German universities

The same procedures apply here as for credits earned before studying at Hohenheim. 

Recognition of work completed abroad as a free mover without a Learning Agreement

The same procedures apply here as for credits earned before studying at Hohenheim. 

Recognition of work done in another degree program being worked on at the same time (Parallelstudium)

Usually, credits that can be assigned to both degree programs are already assigned to both degree programs when registering for the examination. If an exam is assigned to an incorrect area in one of the degree programs due to the automatic registration, you will need to contact the Examinations Office. 

Please also submit an informal request for recognition to the Examinations Office if you start your second degree program later than your first.

Recognition of work completed in an exchange program abroad

If credits are earned abroad, they will be recognized in accordance with the Learning Agreement. Here you only need to submit your Learning Agreement together with the transcript of records from the host university to the Examinations Office after you return from abroad.

You can find information on the Learning Agreement here:

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Recognition in the degree programs of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Recognition of work done in another degree program being worked on at the same time (Parallelstudium)

Usually, credits that can be assigned to both degree programs are already assigned to both degree programs when registering for the examination. If an exam is assigned to an incorrect area in one of the degree programs due to the automatic registration, you will need to contact the Examinations Office. 
Please also submit an informal request for recognition to the Examinations Office if you start your second degree program later than your first.

Recognition of work completed abroad

Information on the recognition procedure for work done abroad can be found on the website of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences 

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Requirements for acquiring credits

Knowledge and skills acquired outside the higher education system are recognized if

  • the requirements for university admission are met at the time of recognition,
  • the knowledge, skills, and competences are equivalent in content and level to the work they are intended to replace. The work is equivalent if
  • they demonstrate the same or a higher level of knowledge, skills and competences as the degree program for which credits are requested according to the German Qualifications Framework (DQR) or the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
    - In Bachelor’s degree programs, this is, for example, a degree as  Meister:in, Fachwirt:in, or level 6.
    - In Master’s degree programs, this is level 7.
  • they essentially fulfill the learning and qualification objectives of the work that is to be replaced, and
  • the content of the non-university qualification is comparable with the content of the work that is to be replaced.

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Submit request

The following steps are necessary for crediting:

  • You fill out the form for crediting.
  • Submit the request form with the necessary documentation to the Examinations Office.
  • The examination board then checks whether the requirements for crediting the module are met.
  • You may need to submit additional documents.
  • If the work is credited, it will be entered in HohCampus with the original designation.
  • You will receive a written notification of the credited work and the work for which you will not receive credit.

Important: The request must be submitted by 31 December in the winter semester and by 30 June in the summer semester!

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Special case: Crediting academic achievements (portfolio / internship)

You must contact the Internship Office to obtain credit for internships:

Find information on the portfolio module

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