Overview of parking plans

During the discussion on parking space management at the University of Hohenheim, various fee models were discussed: The standard model of Parken BW, an initiative of the Staff Council, and the consensus model of the Senate.

Standard procedure Parken BW

Divides the campus into parking spaces with permanent parking passes (restricted areas) and daytime parking (along roads where barriers are not possible).

Costs & award procedure:

  • Permanent parking passes: € 25/month, awarded in order of registration via an Internet portal (annual price € 300/year)
  • Day parking: € 2/day for members of the University + € 1/month for payment card (annual price for 5-day week: approx. € 452/year)

The University’s fear: Newly employed staff and the constantly changing group of students are at a disadvantage when permanent parking spaces are allocated.

Fee reduction for socially disadvantaged University members (social scale)

The cabinet decision provided for a social scale. To this end, Parken BW and the State Employee Council are to negotiate a statewide regulation. Initial talks were scheduled for autumn/winter 2018.

Staff Council's own initiative proposal

Aimed for an operating agreement with the University management, according to which parking spaces would be allocated according to standard procedures, but 80% of low-cost permanent parking spaces would be reserved for employees.
The Staff Council submitted the initiative proposal to the President's Office in August 2018. The President’s Office rejected the proposal because it gave preference to a particular group of University members. The Staff Council then turned to the Ministry of Science (so-called “stage procedure”).
In October 2018, the Ministry of Science stated that such an operating agreement was inadmissible and rejected the initiative application.
In January 2019, the Staff Council filed an appeal against this decision with the administrative court.

Senate proposal

Only daytime parking spaces, no reserved permanent parking spaces.

Costs & award procedure:

  • € 2/day for members of the University + € 1/month for payment card (annual price for 5-day week: approx. € 452/year)
  • 2 €/hour for visitors
  • Payment via prepaid card, Parken BW would consider developing an app

The University management had announced that it would follow the recommendation of the Senate as long as it met two conditions:

  • The distribution must take into account all groups of the University in a balanced way.
  • The allocation procedure must not require University resources.

The proposal was drawn up in the Senate Commission on Parking Management by three representatives each of students, employees, and professors.
On 19 March 2019, the Staff Council of the University of Hohenheim decided to reject the concept. There was a risk that the national company Parken BW would apply its standard procedure: Those who applied first in summer 2019 would receive a parking pass - permanently.
In spring 2019, Parken BW confirmed that it will implement two demands from the Senate concept.

  • For the parking spaces that the PBW manages on campus, there will only be day parking permits, so that all members of the university are on an equal footing and no one is favored by permanent parking permits.
  • The parking fee is € 2/day for university members.