Information about photography and filming at events

When publishing photos and films taken at University events, it is important to safeguard personal rights. To be able to make unrestricted use of the photos and videos for PR purposes, all attendees should be made aware of the fact that photos are being taken.

University internal events

1st Written notice in program booklets, invitations, and on the website
All media announcing and accompanying the event should include the following notice:

Please note: During the event, the University will take photos and videos for marketing purposes.

2. Verbal mention during welcome
The schedule should include a verbal mention from the person giving the official greeting that photographs and video will be taken at the event.

3. Hanging notices
Notices informing that photos/film will be taken can be ordered from the University Marketing unit. The posters may also be borrowed as fair materials.
Please put them up where they are easy to see at the event location.

Poster photo / film German/English


Public events

See points 1 to 3.

In addition, the photographer should have declarations of consent signed by anyone whose picture is taken as a close-up distinguishing them from the crowd.

Declaration of consent for the use of photographs
Declaration of consent for the use of film recordings

PLEASE NOTE: If minors are to be photographed or filmed, the consent of their legal guardians must be obtained.

Declaration of consent for the use of photographs of children 
Declaration of consent for the use of film recordings of children