University internal events
1. Written note in program brochures, invitations, and on the website
All media announcing and covering the event should contain the following note:
Please note: Photos and videos will be taken during the event. The university will use the recordings for public relations and marketing.
2. Spoken note when welcoming attendees
The schedule for the event should ensure that the person giving the welcoming remarks makes attendees aware of the fact that photos are being taken during the event.
3. Hanging notices
You can borrow notices to hang from the Marketing and Events Office using the fair materials page.
Please hang the notices in the event rooms where they will be easily seen.
Poster photo / film German/English
Public events
See points 1. to 3.
In addition, the photographer should have declarations of consent signed by anyone whose picture is taken as a close-up distinguishing them from the crowd.
Declaration of consent for the use of photographic,film, and audio recordings
NOTE: If minors are to be photographed or filmed, the consent of their legal guardians must be obtained.
Declaration of consent for the use of photographic,film, and audio recordings of children