As part of the MP-5 package of measures, the "Pedagogical Conversational Tutor" (PET for short) is being designed, developed, and made available.
The PET is an AI-powered, interactive, dynamic chatbot system that takes on the role of a digital, 24/7 tutor who is knowledgeable about specific lecture content.
The PET is designed to accompany lectures and allow students to learn, search, and be automatically tested on lecture content. For this purpose, the system can collect information dynamically from PowerPoint slides. Furthermore, it should be made easier for lecturers to pass on additional content, questions, and tests to students.
By using the PET, lecturers’ workload can be reduced since many students have the same or similar questions.
The creation of the system as well as the implemented system will be accompanied by psychological and statistical evaluations in order to provide an optimal system for students and lecturers.