The easy online form system

Applications at the federal level

Applications for funding at the federal level (BMBF, other ministries) are submitted via the electronic form system easy-Online.

AZA(P) form

For the full application, an AZA(P) form must usually be completed and submitted via easy-Online.

AZA(P) stands for "Application for Federal Grant on Expenditure Basis (with Project Lump Sum)."

The Research Support Department will help!

We are happy to support you in filling out all positions, checking your draft and submit the final version in the portal.

  • With the function “Save” in the left menu bar, you have the possibility of generating an xml file from your application draft.
  • Please send us this file by email.
  • We will load the file into easy-Online, check it, and process it further.


The Research Support Department handles the electronic submission in the easy-online portal. Please do not use the transaction number (TAN) procedure yourself and do not sign it yourself.  This is the only way to ensure that your application is signed with the correct legally binding signature. Please send us the final versions of all documents to be submitted.

After electronic submission:

  • The portal generates a printable document of the AZA(P).
  • AF submits this document to the President for a legally binding signature. Allow at least two working days for this.
  • We will also gladly take care of shipping by mail. You will receive a scan of the document.

Active help AZA(P):

Important information  Place all checkmarks!
List of attached application documents  Include all documents, place all checkmarks
A01Legally binding name of the applicant(s):University of Hohenheim (always!)
A02-04Street, postal code, citySchloss Hohenheim 1, 70599, Stuttgart
A11Phone no.+49 711 459-0
A12Fax no.+49 711-24050
A20Legal formKörperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
A23The applicant(s) is funded primarily by government grants.  No
A24Type of accounting  Kaufmännisch (doppelt)
A25The applicant maintains its own auditing institution  No / do not check off
A50Number of apprentices41
A51Training company according to BBiG/HwO  Yes
A55Reference yearindicate current year
A65With regard to supplies of third parties, the applicant is:  Nicht zum Vorsteuerabzug berechtigt
S00-14Executing institutionEnter the details of your institute/department here
G01Payment recipientUniversität Hohenheim
G02Financial institutionLBBW/BW-Bank Stuttgart
G03Financial institution’s place of businessDeutschland
G06Booking position141923181[Institution number, e.g.440f]
K00-05Correspondence addressSame as the applicant
Z00Partner(s)Name of your cooperation partners in the project
Z05Role1 = cooperation without business association (in the vast majority of cases)
P01-07Project ManagerProfessor responsible
P08-14Admin. contact (if project is approved)
P18-51 Authorized signatoryProf. Dr. Stephan Dabbert (President)
+49 711 459-0
P38-44Admin. contact (application phase)Here you can enter your contact person in AF. See contacts

For all further questions and problems concerning easy-Online, AF is happy to help!

You can find the guidelines, instructions, and forms in the BMBF “form cabinet.”