Didactic glossary at the University of Hohenheim

Terms for (digital) learning, teaching, and testing

Have you come across a new term in the (digital) teaching, learning, or testing fields and would like to know exactly what it means? Or have you been using terms such as “blended learning” in your teaching for many years, but would like to know exactly how they are defined?

The didactic glossary provides a comprehensive overview of various terms related to (digital) learning, teaching, and assessments, together with their definitions and information on how they are used at the University of Hohenheim. It aims to create a common understanding of these terms and to standardize them at the University of Hohenheim.


The glossary was developed by staff in the Educational Development Unit/Media Didactics Office as part of the PePP and DeLLFi teaching development projects. In collaboration with the Lehre 2030 project, this process involved gathering feedback from various stakeholders (Lehre 2030 working groups, KIM, Examinations Office, Master’s Assessment Regulations Working Group and others) and harmonizing strategy papers (Structure and Development Plan, Digital Transformation Strategy Paper).
At the same time, the glossary is a dynamic process and can be updated and expanded as needed:

If you notice something or would like to propose a new term with a definition for the glossary, please contact the Educational Development Unit with specific details.

Let’s get started

Glossary in English and German

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