Examinations in Sustainability & Change B.Sc.

Your studies are governed by the provisions of the examination regulations, the module catalog, and the curriculum. Here we have summarized the most important provisions for you.

Exam Organization: Information for first-semester students


Portal for exam registration, transcripts of records, certificates, and for changing your contact data. more

Contact Examinations Office

Personal office hours on-site

Mon, Wed, and Fri |  10 - 11 a.m.
Tues and Thurs | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Contact details and contact persons

Dates and periods for examinations more

(Foto: Astrid Untermann)

Registering and de-registering for exams more

Information on withdrawing, e.g. in case of illness, important reasons, or pregnancy more

Find out about the use of AI in exams and theses. more

Each module concludes with an examination (module examination).

A module examination can be offered as a

  • written (e.g. test, minutes, seminar paper, final paper),
  • oral (e.g. examination talk, presentation), or
  • computer-based exam


A module is passed if a score of at least a "pass" (D; 4.0) is achieved.

Passed examinations may not be retaken.

Module examinations can be examinations (red-gold symbol) or coursework (blue-silver symbol).

Examinations can be repeated twice if they have been assessed as "insufficient" (5.0) or "failed".

Coursework may be repeated without limit.

You lose your right of admission to an examination if, for your last retake exam in a module, you

  • fail or
  • miss it without a valid excuse.

If you have lost your right to take examinations, you will be exmatriculated by the Registrar’s Office.

For students who were enrolled in the winter semester 2021/22, the deadlines in their studies (orientation examination, intermediate examination, completion of studies) will be extended by one semester.

Preliminary examinations (Orientierungsprüfung)

The preliminary examination is designed to determine whether the first examinations are promising for a continuation of the degree program.

The preliminary examination is considered to have been passed once you have passed 42 ECTS credits (7 modules) from the compulsory area.

The compulsory area is made up of the following fields:

  • Principles of Business Administration and Economics
  • Principles of Social Sciences
  • Methodological Basics
  • Sustainability & Change (Bachelor’s)

The preliminary examination should be passed by the end of the second semester. If you have not passed the preliminary examination by the end of the second examination period of the third semester, you will lose your right of admission to an examination.

If you cannot meet the deadline for important reasons, you can make a request for an extension of the deadline.

Note: If you exmatriculate at the start of your third semester without having passed the preliminary examination, your right of admission to an examination is revoked. With your exmatriculation, it is no longer possible for you to pass the preliminary examination.

Interim examinations (Zwischenprüfung)

The interim examination is considered to have been passed once you have passed 90 credits from the compulsory area.

The compulsory area is made up of the following fields:

  • Principles of Business Administration and Economics
  • Principles of Social Sciences
  • Methodological Basics
  • Sustainability & Change (Bachelor’s)

If you have not passed the interim examination by the end of the second examination period of the fifth semester, you will lose your right of admission to an examination.

If you cannot meet the deadline for important reasons, you can make a request for an extension of the deadline.

Note: If you exmatriculate before starting your fifth semester without having passed the preliminary examination, your right of admission to an examination is revoked. With your exmatriculation, it is no longer possible for you to pass the interim examination.


The Bachelor’s examination (all modules and the Bachelor's thesis) should be completed by the end of the sixth semester.

You must have completed all modules by the end second examination period of the ninth semester. If you do not meet this deadline, your right of admission to an examination is lost.

If you cannot meet the deadline for important reasons, you can make a request for an extension of the deadline.

Note: If you exmatriculate at the start of your ninth semester (with Flexible Learning Semesters the 10th or 11th, depending on how many you took) without having completed your degree program, your right of admission to examinations is revoked. With your exmatriculation, it is no longer possible for you to complete your degree program on time.

The profile studies consist of a profile area and the free elective area.

Detailed information on the modules that can be selected in the profile area can be found in the curriculum or module catalog that applies to you.

Free elective area

In the elective area, there are two alternatives, one of which must be chosen.

  1. Alternative: The module "Internship" in the amount of 18 ECTS credits is taken.
  2. Alternative: Modules amounting to 18 ECTS credits are taken. The elective modules can be chosen from all modules offered in the Bachelor's programs of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. Details can be found in the module catalog.
Additional modules

You can take modules from all Bachelor’s degree programs at the University of Hohenheim as additional modules, provided that the capacity of the relevant department/institute permits this.

Additional modules are not included in the grade point average or ECTS count. However, you can request that they be included on your transcript of records (marked as additional modules).

Additional modules must also be completed with an exam.

It is not possible to count individual courses as additional modules.

You may only take part in additional modules until you have completed your studies.

You can exchange modules during your studies.

It is possible to exchange modules under the following conditions.

  • You can exchange modules a maximum of two times during your degree program.
  • It is not possible to exchange exams that have been failed in the final attempt.
  • The module exchange must be applied for at the Examinations Office before the degree certificate is issued. This means that ideally you should submit the application no later than after you have submitted your thesis.
  • Changing a module in the specialization area is only possible if the module you would like to exchange has not been completed.

Exchanging modules must be requested with the form request for a change of modules.

For this, use the request to change modules form. You can submit the form to the Student Information Center (SIZ) or put it in the postbox at the Examinations Office.

This information will be added soon.

The Faculty appoints the examination committee.

Members of the examination committee are

  • three professors
  • two research associates primarily employed by the University and
  • one student member.

The student member has an advising vote.

The examination committee shall ensure that examination regulations are complied with. It also decides on applications when examination regulations provide for this (for example, when deadlines are missed).

Requests to the examination committees must be made immediately after the reason for the request is known. This means: You must respond immediately if you find that you cannot, for example, meet a deadline.

Requests to the examination committee are to be made informally. You do not need to meet any formal minimum requirements, but they must be signed by hand. Your application must explain the reasons for your request in detail (and include documentation if necessary).

Applications to the examination committee can be submitted in the Student Information Center (SIZ) or dropped in the postbox of the Examinations Office.

The examination committee may allow the Chairperson of the examination committee to decide alone in an urgent situation.

The examination committee shall notify the Examinations Office in writing of its decisions.

You may have examinations (Prüfungsleistungen) which you completed at another university recognized.

To do so, you must submit a request. The examination committee will decide on the request.

You can submit the request (no official form) to the  Student Information Center (SIZ)  or put it in the  postbox at the Examinations Office .


If you would like to request recognition after changing degree programs or universities, then you must submit the request within the first three months of the semester in which you started your studies in Hohenheim (31 December or 30 June).

Recognition of compulsory and semi-elective modules

Examinations that were completed at other universities can be recognized if there are no significant differences between the competences you obtained and the competences of the modules at the University of Hohenheim.

The Examination Board decides on recognition at the request of the students.

The following forms are available for requesting the recognition of coursework and examinations the University of Hohenheim:

Recognition of coursework and examinations in the free elective area

For further information on the recognition of coursework and examinations in the free elective area, please visit the homepage of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

Recognition of coursework and examinations completed abroad

For further information on the recognition of coursework and examinations completed abroad, please visit the homepage of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

Request for withdrawal from an examination
for health reasons

Changing modules
Request to change modules

Degree certificates
Request for issuing the degree certificate


All examination regulations to download 


All information on submitting a final thesis more

Information on your final documents and certificates more

You can find more information in the Lecturers’ Portal.