Ways to go abroad

There are many ways to go abroad—even during your studies. We’d advise you to use the time during your studies for a stay abroad. You can rarely organize a stay abroad as flexibly as you can during your studies. You want to head off to a semester abroad, a summer school, or perhaps an internship abroad? It’s in your hands!

Mobility programs | Double/triple degree | Summer/winter schools & language courses | Practical stays abroad

Mobility programs (semester/year abroad)

If you want to spend a maximum of one year abroad as part of your studies, you basically have two options. On the one hand, you can participate in an exchange program of the University of Hohenheim and apply for a stay abroad at a partner university. The programs are designed to make it easier for you to organize your stay abroad. You can also go abroad as a free mover and apply independently to the university of your choice.

Exchange programs at the University of Hohenheim

Agreements between the University of Hohenheim and various universities abroad ensure a regular exchange of students between the partner universities.
The University of Hohenheim’s Office of International Affairs offers various exchange programs:

Important! If you reject an offered exchange place after a successful application, you will be blocked for the following three application deadlines for exchange programs at the University of Hohenheim.

Free movers

Free movers are students who complete their study stay abroad at any university worldwide independently of exchange agreements or cooperation agreements of the University of Hohenheim.
As a free mover, you choose your preferred university from the worldwide offer.

For a stay as a free mover, the costs incurred (e.g., tuition fees at the host university) must be taken into account. As each university has its own requirements and deadlines for free movers, please contact your chosen university directly if you have any questions about specific free mover stays. The designations for free movers can vary (e.g., visiting student, non-degree seeking students).

Various “free mover agencies” also offer free support in organizing stays abroad as a free mover, for example:

Financing options:

Language in mobility programs

For a semester or year abroad, you usually have to meet language requirements. These requirements usually have to be met at the time of application by providing adequate evidence.

Learn more

Stays in the United Kingdom (Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

Students can still go to the UK for a semester or year abroad. Please note, however, that the United Kingdom is no longer an Erasmus+ program country. In our exchange programs this means: You can go to our partner universities in the United Kingdom and, as in all exchange programs, your tuition fees will be waived. However, there is no specific scholarship or exchange program. Students can apply for the PROMOS scholarship.
As a free mover and for practice-related stays, please pay particular attention to the new visa regulations.

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Double/triple degree

Double/triple degree programs are special cases in the field of student mobility. These are integrated study programs that offer you the opportunity to obtain two degrees from two universities or three degrees from three universities.

Please refer to the respective program websites for information on the admission requirements, application modalities, and curricular requirements of the double degree or triple degree program.

Overview of the programs:


Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences double or triple degree:


Faculty of Agricultural Sciences:

Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences:

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Summer/winter schools and language courses (short-term stays)

A stay abroad during your studies is exciting and formative. You can gain new insights and experience abroad even from short-term stays abroad of a few weeks.

Summer/winter schools

A summer school (also known as a summer university) is an intensive course lasting several weeks on a specific topic. Summer schools are usually offered during a university’s lecture-free period. An accompanying cultural program is often offered.

How can I find
the right
Summer School?
Universities usually publish their summer school programs at the beginning of the year. Summer schools abroad are usually self-organized short-term stays that are not centrally coordinated at the University of Hohenheim. If you have any questions about individual summer schools or the respective application procedures, please contact your chosen host university abroad directly. As a rule, you also apply directly to the host university abroad for the summer schools.
What does a summer school cost?Summer schools are usually subject to a fee, but are often all-inclusive packages. The participation fee usually includes the academic events, the cultural and leisure program, accommodation, health, accident and liability insurance as well as tickets for local public transport.
Some (European) partner universities offer Hohenheim students a partial or full fee waiver. In these cases, it might be possible for the University of Hohenheim to nominate you. Please contact the European Program Officer at your faculty.
Funding opportunities
  • Herzog von Württemberg scholarship for ELLS summer schools

Language courses

You can learn languages or improve your language skills at the University of Hohenheim’s Language Center or at language schools in Germany. But why not learn a new language or improve your language skills abroad? Then you can discover another country in the local language while learning the language and immerse yourself in the culture in a completely different way.

In addition to language schools, many universities around the world also offer language courses for students from other universities. The best way to find out about the language courses on offer is to contact the language schools or universities directly.

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Practical stays abroad

Practical placements abroad are a useful combination of stays abroad and practical experience, during which valuable qualifications can be gained for your future career.

You can also find lots of information on finding internships, applying, etc. on the website of the Internship Office.

Internship in a
an international organization,
or a state institution
Most people probably think of this type of internship when it comes to internships. A “normal” internship of a few weeks to a semester at an institution abroad.

Placement programs:
Funding opportunities:
Research internship

Research stays abroad are a particular kind of practice-related stays abroad, as they combine a stay abroad with research experience. As a rule, the practical part of a research project is carried out as part of a seminar, project, or final thesis during the stay abroad.

In order to have the research project recognized as part of your studies, it is important that you have an academic supervisor at the University of Hohenheim who supports the research project abroad and also evaluates the research work carried out.

Placement programs:Funding opportunities:
Internship at a foreign school
Students in teaching programs can benefit from a specific DAAD funding program: Lehramt.International

The program supports student teachers of all subject combinations and all school types with a scholarship for self-organized internships at schools abroad.
Further information
The DAAD also offers a good overview: Internship abroad
It is also worth taking a look at the following initiative from the DAAD and the BMBF: Studieren Weltweit - Erlebe es! #Auslandspraktikum

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Akademisches Auslandsamt
Referat Studierendenmobilität und Internationale Zulassungen (AA2)
Team Studierendenmobilität

Das Team Studierendenmobilität informiert in regelmäßigen Informationsveranstaltungen über Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten eines Auslandsaufenthaltes.